Beloved of All
Father God,
I Pray this prayer on the behalf of Z and for myself.
I bring to You my bad attitude. No one else gave it to me. Nobody else caused it. Although it often seems contagious, I know it doesn’t spread like a virus. The true problem with my attitude bears my name.
I can’t fix this myself, Lord. I’m grumpy. I’m crabby. I’m touchy—and no one had better touch me, because those bitter bubbles simmering under the surface might explode.
Father, today I need You to fix my attitude. I need You to help me take the form of a servant. I need You to help me consider others more important than myself. I need You to replace my haughtiness with humility, my pouting with praise.
I need You to change me, because I can’t change myself.
Jesus, You gave us the perfect example of someone who put Himself last. When scorned, mocked, and lied about, You remained silent. When reviled, You did not revile in return. You had every chance to spew words of hatred but spoke words of healing and forgiveness instead.
Today, my Master, move me to lay myself down on Your altar. I acknowledge my inability to do even that much on my own. Live, move, and breathe through me. Help me to die as You live Your life through me. I can’t get it right—but You can.
Thank You Jesus for hearing my prayer. In Jesus Christ let my prayer be adjusted according to the will of God. Lord, i need you, i thank you, i trust you, i love you. In Jesus Christ Name I pray Amen
I Pray this prayer on the behalf of Z and for myself.
I bring to You my bad attitude. No one else gave it to me. Nobody else caused it. Although it often seems contagious, I know it doesn’t spread like a virus. The true problem with my attitude bears my name.
I can’t fix this myself, Lord. I’m grumpy. I’m crabby. I’m touchy—and no one had better touch me, because those bitter bubbles simmering under the surface might explode.
Father, today I need You to fix my attitude. I need You to help me take the form of a servant. I need You to help me consider others more important than myself. I need You to replace my haughtiness with humility, my pouting with praise.
I need You to change me, because I can’t change myself.
Jesus, You gave us the perfect example of someone who put Himself last. When scorned, mocked, and lied about, You remained silent. When reviled, You did not revile in return. You had every chance to spew words of hatred but spoke words of healing and forgiveness instead.
Today, my Master, move me to lay myself down on Your altar. I acknowledge my inability to do even that much on my own. Live, move, and breathe through me. Help me to die as You live Your life through me. I can’t get it right—but You can.
Thank You Jesus for hearing my prayer. In Jesus Christ let my prayer be adjusted according to the will of God. Lord, i need you, i thank you, i trust you, i love you. In Jesus Christ Name I pray Amen