My Cat, Belle, is young, she was a stray when we found her we took her and her four kittens to the vet, and they said she was fine... Well, at least the kittens were.. About 2 weeks ago I noticed spit up and sometimes chunks. The odd thing about it was it wreeked! Regular vomit does also but this was different it was the smell of something else. Usually I just clean it up and move on because she had a "sensitive stomach" quote the vet. Today I found 3 little worms in that same vomit and they were very small the biggest one being an inch long... They were tapeworms.. Since I found this cat and her kittens and secretly fed them it broke my heart. We plan on taking her to the vet soon but just now a I cam across a much larger worm... I just lost my dog 4 months ago and love this cat dearly. Please pray for Belle as she goes to the vet her kittens have been weaned for a week and love their mother we have gave one away and are planning on keeping the rest of the cats with my indoor pug also. Lord, just please help me in this time of need. Although she may not make it I know you have a great plan for me no matter what, I just love her so dearly lord, Love- Emmy