Satan is out working over time to make all Christians life so miserable and it is sending all kinds of sickness, pains, sorrow, hate, anger and rage againgst others. Do not let him do harm to you. Just as Jesus cast him out after the forty days temption, you and me can do this in the name of our dear Savior and Lord.
Get out from here satan... said the Lord. Thou shall worship and server God.
After being delivered from the devils grasp and tempting you to do evil, then start to thank and praise the name of the Lord.
I exalt Thee... I exalt Thee o Lord...
My heart is full of praise to Jesus because in His name and by His power and mercy we can be more than conquerors through the Blood of the Lamb.
Get out from here satan... said the Lord. Thou shall worship and server God.
After being delivered from the devils grasp and tempting you to do evil, then start to thank and praise the name of the Lord.
I exalt Thee... I exalt Thee o Lord...
My heart is full of praise to Jesus because in His name and by His power and mercy we can be more than conquerors through the Blood of the Lamb.