Beloved of All
I DECREE AND DECLARE BLESSING AND PROSPERITY OF THIS COURT CASE, only PROGRESS and revealing the truth and serving justice for my brother!!!
NO DELAYS, NO STATUS QUO in Jesus name, Lord, start and accelerate things into favor of my brother in Jesus name.
He is 3 months in the prison, and like they know everything about my brother and he has a clean record, and this woman who is accusing him of rape and physical abuse is drug addict and very very rich, we suspect that she deals drugs maybe even plunder man with whom she is, her 1.husband killed himself and with the other one she has still court case because she wants the part of his real estates.
LORD, PLEASE LET SOMEBODY REVEAL HER REAL CHARACTER AND THAT SHE IS A POSSIBLE DRUG DEALER, she has two big villas, nevery worked a day in her life, no private business, nothing, LORD, HAVE MERCY.
NO DELAYS, NO STATUS QUO in Jesus name, Lord, start and accelerate things into favor of my brother in Jesus name.
He is 3 months in the prison, and like they know everything about my brother and he has a clean record, and this woman who is accusing him of rape and physical abuse is drug addict and very very rich, we suspect that she deals drugs maybe even plunder man with whom she is, her 1.husband killed himself and with the other one she has still court case because she wants the part of his real estates.
LORD, PLEASE LET SOMEBODY REVEAL HER REAL CHARACTER AND THAT SHE IS A POSSIBLE DRUG DEALER, she has two big villas, nevery worked a day in her life, no private business, nothing, LORD, HAVE MERCY.