Praise Report and also EMERGENCY prayer request: I want to tell you God is a dentist! Yes He is! Praise toHIm . he healed my jaw bones and shifted my teeth back into place ( even 10 years on!) Anything is possibel with God . HE fashions us. Please pray for my grandma to be healed by the stripes of Jesus Christ! yesterday as i was praying for other my jaw that were missaigned for many years, while the Lord has miraculoulsy shifted my jaw bones and facial bones when praiyn gin his name and seekign him.. this was so unexpected. It says in His Wor dpray ye for one another that ye may be healed. His Words doesnt just stant the test of time but It stands eternity! Praise God His Wor dis True. so I recieved healing though not expecting such a huge way. concernign my teeth, I was physically posessed by demons in 2012 as I was doing occutic transcendental meditation ( which i know is dangerous, wrong and demonic now) and LORD Jesus Christ saved my life in 2012 and delivered me form about a week of being physically possesed by demons, i ended up on concrete deforming my facial bones, jaw bones and teeth missaligned)it is wehn i cried out to LORD Jesus remebering a video in which was about how Jesus cast out demons. i ended up in the hospital and crie dout to
LORD JEsus Christ . HE saved my life form demons. If HE can do that He can save form Hell. I believed in Him. Please belive in Him. HE is a Savior and healer!!!! fast forward a bit Out of hospital i stopped eating as i had problems with eating. phyiscally it was deformed. i had also fear of eating. i grew weaker and weaker. i could nto get help. So rembered the Lord. i opened to BIble for the first time in a long time and i asked God do i really need to eat. i wanted to get fed by tube.. i was so skinny, weak and for about two months it was terrible. my teeth had problems i was told to get brace big thousands of dollars of fixing of all my teeth . i had acidosis form vomiting

My teeth has become wron down due to acid especially on the front. Anyways, i sought the Lord heal my skull, bones a TEEth.. and so that i could eat normally no fear... it was the hardest time....When i opent he Bible I got this verse : Genesis 1:29
King James Bible
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which
is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which
is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
And i decided to obey God and tried to eat. it was soo hard soo hard and kept praying for God to heal me , my teeth ... my phobia and witht iem it did happen! Praise to YOu LOrd Jesu Christ who healed me! i read about the how all who came to the Lord Jesus Christwere healed at the time.. and i thought well this must be true because the Lord Jesus Christ saved my Life formt he dmeons. I knew He interceded for me as i was prayin gin HIs name. When i had been in the hospital i thought it may be truly over for me( my life) i surrndered to God i tried to make peace.. i know I oculd nto have peace wiht God becuas eof my SINS.. i knew it was only that because Jesus interceded for me that i was delivered from demons. befor ei was really fearful Hell as I knew my sins ( my secrets sins) i did not die that day praise to the LOrd JEsuCHrist all glory and praise and Hounour and thank YOu LORd Jesus Christ foreer and ever and ever for saving my life an dbrigning me out of demon posessein on Septmeber 21 2012.... I praise God I did not die but ibelived in the Lord Jesus Christ As my perosnal Lord and Savior. that HE intercedes on behalf of sinners. He is the gift of God to this world From the Father LORd God Almighty. The Lord Jesus Christ and the Father are One. That is why the Lord Jesus CHrist is called the Lord. It is His title position He is God! Prais to HIm. By WHom were were created. Jesus is God manifeste in the flesh . He came to save us. His Holy blood Saves our Souls. His blood that was Shed for Us. For the Forgiveness of OUr Sins. This IS How God forgives our sins forever by the Blood of the Lord Jesus the Christ. Thsi is How we have an everlastign covenant with God and have peace with God and are born again.. but this time into the Kingdom of Our Hevaenly Father. Thsi is How e become adopted Chridrenof the most High. Thei si How much God loves us! that He sent HIS onlgy BEggon SOn.. The LOrd Himself died sfor us so that ours sins could be forgived . Their is forgivness of sins ONyl in HIS Holy blood . God can only forgive our sins becuase the Lord Jesus Christ ( Holy and blameless who did the Will of the Father ( that is Eternal life) was sent to save us form our sins and be the eternal sacrifice for our sins. No other way to have Gods forgivness or be reocnciled to God but only through the Saviour He sent, His Only begotten Son. The Lord Jesus the Christ. HE saves from Hell. He any Only He has the power to save our Soul with HIs Holy blood. By His stripes ye are healed! ALl must be saved by the Lord Jesus the Christ because All are sinners from Adam to now all of the pople went astry from God.. the whole earth is fallen. We can only be reconciled to God through the sacrifice HE gave to reconcile us with to Himself, that is being the Lord and only begotten Son of The FAither, the Lord Jesus the Christ. HE came to destroy the works of the devil. He abolished death! If oyu believe in Jesus you do not have to fear death because Jesus Saves us form Hell and from the devil whom all sinners belong to. All are sinenrs and the only one who can save sinner sis Hell. That doesnt mean we should sin but all sin leads to being enslaved to the devil who came to steal, destroy and kill.. Sin leads ot Death..
Romans 6:23
King James Version
23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
All Who beliv ein the Lord Jesus Christ have eternal Life. All must Be Saved By Jesu Christ as HSi IS the Saviour. No other God given Saviour is but the Lord Himself! Becuas eof the Lord Jesu Christ we have have peace with God. Our sins can only be forgiven by God becuase of the Lord Jesu Christ and HIS life sacrifice for our sins. He took our punishment. He saves us formt he wrath of God ( Hell). We are justified by His Holy blood forevr. He intercedes for us forerver. THANK YOU LORD for saving us. By His stripes Ye are Healed. He is the great Physician. We are are accepted by becaus e of the LORD Jesus Christ. He died for our sins. He interceds for the transgressors. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the gospel of immortality. Praise To The Lord Forever for Givign Us God the Son, Jesus the Christ to save us form this present evil World and forever reconcilign us to HImself ( Jesus is God manifeste idnt he flesh) All power is HIs. He fashioned us, including our teeth! After praying many months and seeking HIS HEaling only. Although i stupidly paid for some dental work before seeking.. I must admit out of fear, but i didnt have that much money only had i think three teeth sone.. after that I sought God for His healing in faith , seekign the Lord Jesus Christ an di had miracles on my teeth and facial bones . ( months after my trauma (my fault for being posessed, I was playing God tryin to heal myself of another physical problem with occutic meditation at the time i deformed my own skull before Jeuss saved my life formthe demons and my prior to beliving He is is my Eternal Lord and Savior) God is merciful and nto only save dmy life but He is constantly healign and fashioning me. He fashhions all of us. He is our creator! I was praiyn gin Hsi name to be delivered of demons and BY His stripes I am healed seeking Him for healing By His stripes and my skull shifte dinto please and my jaw too. Praise to our Lord and Savior all power is His. ME he give all faith in Him He is our HEaler in every way! He is the Lord God almighty. His Word is True. HE is the great Phyisican. By HIS stripes you are healed! MAy YOur teeth be healed by Our loving Lord and Saviour The Lord JEsu Christ.. WHo loved oyu and gave Himself up for you. By HIS stripes ye are healed. HE is the Life. may you go to HIm for Lif eand all people too! NO one can Heal Life Our God Himself! All who cam eto Jesus in faith were healed. MAy you be healed in eevry way by the stripes of our Lord And Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ. MAy all Belive in Him and His Word. Hsi WOrd is true. The hOly Bibel is the Word of God MAy He guide al of us into all truth with HIS HOly spirit in All things in Jesus Christ name.
She is urgently needs prayer for severe cramping dehydration . the hospital took her oof the water and they ar enot giving her to drink. she is bedriiden please pray for her. Please pray God heals HEr by HSi stripes in every way. LORD JEsus I need OYU TO HEAL GRAndร pLEase PLEase, DO not let her died but HEAL her for YOUR GLORY BY YOUR POWER BY YOUR STRIPES LORD JESU CHRIST HEAL EHR: delive rus form allunbelife and may the prayer of faith in you Lord heal my grandma. Give her Lord Yourself the best care and HEaling from your SOn JEsus The Christ, I lay Her at Your feet and BEg YOu w ith all my heart to heal my Grandma PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE For YOur Glory BY YOur POWer. PLEase HEal HEr By Your Holy Blood LOrd JEsus . HEal my Grandmas Blood and Body and deliver her form all diesease crampoing , dehydration, electrolite imbalance and daihreea. may nothign hinder this prayer of Faithin You Lord . YOu LRd JEsus CHrist are the grat Physician. hank YOu Jesus for Saving us. I pray for her slavation and complete faiht in You Lord Jesus Christ. LOrd and Savior and the Great Physician.! MAy alla who read this please pray for my grandma urgently. Pleas epray God protects her form the devil and all unbelife in our Life saving Life Givng Lord and Savior The ONe who has all power. WHo desevre all praise ! Lord JEus CHrist thank you for hearing our prayers becuase oyu interced for us. I pray ll this iny our Holy name to our Hevanly Father in The Lord Jesus Christ name. Thy WIll be done. Please hear my prayer an dgive me faiht in your Healing form YOu always and form you always!! Pleas eprmanetly hel my granmda form all dementia, neurologial condition s and restore and heal her blood. May HE whole in eevryway Lord JEsu Christ and do all in your POwer so that you HEal Her Lord JEsus CHrist PLease. Thank YOu