Lord, send angels of finances and prosperity and restore finances to this person and ministry in Jesus name. We rebuke the devil who is stealing or robbing of blessings.
Watch every day Bill Winston (expert for financial prosperity) or Joel Osteen (faith for all areas of life, goodness of God, your faith will rise up. Those two say that some peope who watch daily their sermons greatly prosper financialy.
One black man went from being broke to having his own successful business. He watched Bill Winston sermons every morning on his way to work. Everything is in faith and the opposite is worry or unbelief. Faith comes by hearing of the word of God. God is good, He is rich and we are his children, will He withhold anything good from us? If our earthly parents will give us many things, how much more our Heavenly Father want to give us His wealth and riches that are on thousand hills. Observe lilies and birds etc.....
God bless you.