Beloved of All
can you pelas epray tha tmy grandma kidneys work well and that the lor dotuches her strognly with His holy spirit an dhela sher. she has been bedridden for year.s can you also pray that her kidneys work properly tha the rhear tis heale dif she has congestive heart problems. pelas epray for her sh eis extermely malnutritioned and skinny pelase pray the Lord dleivers her form all infectiona and hich blood suagr high blood pressure neuropathy etc and also me to i woule dleiverance form type 1 diabetews. pelas ealso pray that all flehs eatign bacteri a leave smy fmaily int he nameof the Lord Jeus Christ. please pray my dad is healed of al heart issues insulin sensitivitsy is strong and no longe rinstabel insulin that al insulin resitance all type 1 diabets all type 2 diabetes histsmien intolerance asutism and asperger syndrom is cured healed cleansed by the holy blood our our LOrd Jeus Christ that the Lord touches my grandma int he most powerufl way today. Lor di am nto worthy to be even alibve but pelase if youa re willign pleas emiraucloulsy interven in the life on Schneider VilmosnΓ©. pelase pleas eplease bless all food wate rmedication please God help me give her diaper clena her. Lord please give me a very sound mind no intrusive thoughts. pleas ehal al my dentla flehs and Bs too and my moms and dadsd a nd brothers. Please delive rus all from all metabolic disease form all flehs eating entities and from all evil. Lor dplease dleive rmy entire fmaiyl boodlien form all evil for oyur glory by yor power. please dleve r B form all evil deliver them form all evil doers and all toxic people. and thigns. pelase giv ehima heart to seek you Lord Jeus Christ with all His heart and find you. pelase Lor defiorgiv emy sins. pelas eno more insect son my grandma. pelase remove al l flies pests from or home. Please dleiver me form all evil. dleiver my thoguths formt h enemy from passivity. Lord Jeus Christ take ocntrol over my thoguht life my body. please heal my grandma for oyur glro ygiv eher your salvationaand do this for lal peopel thanky u Lord Jeus Christ to YOu Be all the glory. thanky ou.