Looking around at different people, including and maybe especially people we know,we see some we can say are Christians{based on the loyalty to, and defending of, God, their belief in His salvation plan, etc.}{And following it, not just saying it.}Others, unless they have a last minute deathbed confession, even when "on the way out"{dying}, up till the last minute they sing the praises of the devils religions that they've always followed. These {both ways} are the pretty "obvious" cases, and barring anything we don't see,are, we are likely to be right about their spiritual state. But then there are the not so "obvious" ones, the "borderline" "could go either way" "gray area" ones, the"on the fence" ones, who , to me, are harder to figure, and , for that matter, know where they go after death.I've seen those who sing Gods praises, but practice yoga,intentionally vote for a candidate from their prefered party who is for gay marriage and abortion, etc, then when you ask them about that, they make excuses. On the other hand, I've seen unsaved people who seem to start drifting TOWARDS God, and getting more in tune with Gods ways. {My father was such a case, and since his death, that, and some other things, I "suspect" he went to Heaven}.So that's the question--if it's not an "obvious case", can one of these "borderline cases", upon their death , have been at that time , or of some things God washed them with that we may not know of,go to Heaven? Does someone have to be an "obvious" 'Christian at the time of their death?Remember,"Now we see things darkly". Isn't it possible that there are things God knows about their spiritual state that we may not?I would say so,after all, it's God who decides, not us.I read in a Hal Lindsey book, he said,"We'll be surprised by some of the people who come up to us in the New Jerusalem."So I say, yes, these supposedly "borderline" 'to God they're not "borderline" He knows who got saved and didn't.Do you think?