Disciple of Prayer
Could anyone pray for my brother? He has been dealing with a toenail fungus for years now, and just last year did we see a specialized doctor who finally seemed to know what he was doing and able to try and help my brother. Over the summer, he was on special medicine and a topical ointment and his toenails seemed to be looking much better for once. But he went back to work a month ago, and he’s been working 10 hour shifts 4 days out of the week, always on his feet and his shoes on. Today I saw his feet, and it looked bad. Like really really bad. And I brought it up, asking questions because I had never seen them look like that. He said they started appearing that way around 2 weeks ago, and working seemed to make his toenails worse. My mom heard us talking and look at them herself. Pretty much so all of us agreed it looked like his toes were badly infected, the skin around his toes turning black and everything, and his toes look reddish/purple. So we’re trying to get him into the doctor asap, and we honestly think he needs to stop working if it’s doing that to him, but he doesn’t want to quit work. In fact, he doesn’t even seem to be worried about them at all, more worried about money and working ~_~ I’m just very worried for him, because they look super bad and he’s been struggling with toenail problems forever and they just never seem to get better no matter what we do. And I feel guilty honestly because even though I’ve been praying for him, I kind of do it halfheartedly and pray about it just to check it off a list. So I don’t know, any prayer would be appreciated <3