Danielle pearl
Humble Servant
Please pray for Paras whos husband died leaving her with two teenagers a boy and girl who hit her, abuse her and each other also smashing things its terrible. Please pray for Paras.
Also please pray for Marisha who has two sons. One son, Felix, is only 12yrs old and Marisha tried to kill herself. She is going crazy and destroying herself and her life while her youngest son, Felix, now lives with his Grandmother. The older son, Kane, is very troubled, its very sad. Please pray for these families. Single Mums and their children
Also please pray for Marisha who has two sons. One son, Felix, is only 12yrs old and Marisha tried to kill herself. She is going crazy and destroying herself and her life while her youngest son, Felix, now lives with his Grandmother. The older son, Kane, is very troubled, its very sad. Please pray for these families. Single Mums and their children