A prayer is needed for a father and children. This wonderful father was locked up in prison. He was always a man of faith and in
this situation he still did Gods work. He spent 2 years of his life away from his children and three months before he was let out of prison his ex wife choose to put the children up for adoption. We believe her actions were to hurt him. She could care for them fully but choose not to. She choose to fill his head with that she wouldnt take care of them if he didnt sign the open adoption papers. The first of a few chances he got to see his children after a hear and a half, They rememberd him! a two year old remember his father whom he hasnt even got to see a picture of! The bond is strong between him and his children. Seeing a huge bump on his one year old daughters head he signed them. He couldnt risk what those three months could of lead to.
He was promised and told he would be able to see these beautiful children whenever he wanted. He has yet. For it has been game after game. Lie after lie. His heart is heavy. He has began to rebuild his life, Preaching and a new marrage. The children belong to him. In his household. God said Yes. But as of course its going to take some leg work. Please pray for this situation and that a good laywer comes to fight their case in front of a judge. So many say impossible but God doesnt lie. Believe the impossible can happen!
this situation he still did Gods work. He spent 2 years of his life away from his children and three months before he was let out of prison his ex wife choose to put the children up for adoption. We believe her actions were to hurt him. She could care for them fully but choose not to. She choose to fill his head with that she wouldnt take care of them if he didnt sign the open adoption papers. The first of a few chances he got to see his children after a hear and a half, They rememberd him! a two year old remember his father whom he hasnt even got to see a picture of! The bond is strong between him and his children. Seeing a huge bump on his one year old daughters head he signed them. He couldnt risk what those three months could of lead to.
He was promised and told he would be able to see these beautiful children whenever he wanted. He has yet. For it has been game after game. Lie after lie. His heart is heavy. He has began to rebuild his life, Preaching and a new marrage. The children belong to him. In his household. God said Yes. But as of course its going to take some leg work. Please pray for this situation and that a good laywer comes to fight their case in front of a judge. So many say impossible but God doesnt lie. Believe the impossible can happen!