Disciple of Prayer
Hello, I want to start out by thanking everyone for praying for me. Approximately four years ago, I met a Muslim man and I believe we did some type of marriage ceremony in a mosque. It was not what I thought it would be. I did not sign any contract nor anything else. The imam took my driver's license, but he only took a few notes and a small spiral-bound notebook. I’ve vaguely remember questions he asked. I was told there would be two witnesses there to confirm the ceremony but was told they were running late. He is a Sunni Muslim. I have heard of the “Temporary marriage or Haram.” I do not think that this is what it was. We are still together, but live separately because I am divorced and receiving alimony for another year. He did not want me to lose this income. But, at the same time, if I wanted to, he said we could live together, I would at that point lose the alimony. I have not pushed to live together as my family does not agree with our relationship and thinks it is over. I am a born again, Christian with Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, as well as my family. I know I am in an unequally yoked relationship that is not what God our Father would want for me. I know the Bible tells me to not be yoked with unbelievers. I have tried multiple times to call off a relationship explaining to him that we are unequally yoked, and I cannot be with him. I continue to allow him back in my life because he is so, well, maybe even manipulative with his ever so loving words and promises, saying he will always love me no matter what. It is those words and times when I am in my anxious and depressive state that I want to believe in a love that he is expressing. I know the truth and I know I cannot be with him. I have typed up yet another email calling off the relationship once again explaining that God and Jesus Christ will always be first and foremost in my life, and I choose to be obedient to God and what He wants for my life. For the past month, he has been back home in Morocco and is now back in the US. He does not know that I am home from my Thanksgiving. I have been avoiding seeing him in person. I feel if I were to go see him and tell him my feelings and call off the relationship once again he would somehow sway my feelings and I would not be strong in person around him. As I mentioned, I have an email ready to send, but I’m feeling anxious and fearful because of my past experiences of letting him go and the anxiety and depression that follows. I am now fully believe it is time to completely let go and start a new life with my Lord and Savior in obedience. I am asking for your prayers to give me strength to hit the send button on my email to block him and move on. All prayers and support are very much appreciated. Thank you so much and I am thankful. I have found this wonderful community. ###