Prayer Warrior
please pray for boniface employment situation ,people are falsely pressuring boniface to quit , by pressuring boniface to with some other department. please pray instead those other people quit ,also Boniface gets to keep his 9 to 6 shift,prevented from anxiety
the lord also help I boniface on what to do , also Boniface gets his wish of a becoming a
profitable hollywood producer a sign of the cross
Oh Great Passion
Oh Deep Wounds
Oh Blood shed in abundance
Oh Meekness
Oh Cruel Death
Have mercy on me and grant my request.
Prayer works.
Works immediately, to be said 9 consecutive times.
Publish Immediately, believe each word of this prayer as you say it and it will be granted
the lord also help I boniface on what to do , also Boniface gets his wish of a becoming a
profitable hollywood producer a sign of the cross
Oh Great Passion
Oh Deep Wounds
Oh Blood shed in abundance
Oh Meekness
Oh Cruel Death
Have mercy on me and grant my request.
Prayer works.
Works immediately, to be said 9 consecutive times.
Publish Immediately, believe each word of this prayer as you say it and it will be granted