The Woman
Prayer Warrior
Thank you Lord for the word of truth that remind us that we are all children of God. May we receive our inheritance brethren. When they say no you want! You say yes we can! When they say more money more problems. I say I’m use to problems. Now I’m ready to get used to Money When they say Money is the root of all evil. I say thank God for the roots! And thank God he continues to remove evil! I count it all joy when I fall into divers temptations; I pray we will continue to Know that the trying of our faith will work our patience. I pray we will stay patience to have our perfect work done, making us be perfect in love. And If any of us lack wisdom, Lord remind us to continue to ask of you, since you give unto all liberally, and thank you for teaching us to not criticize ourselves; so that when we do pray it shall be given us. We thank you for teaching us and reminding us to continue to ask in faith, without division within are mind. So that we will not be like those who is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. We believe we are children of the most high God and we will THINK BELIEVING WE SHALL RECEIVE ALL THINGS of our Lord. Because we shall no longer keep a double minded mind. We shall stay stable in all our ways. Rejoicing and believing that we shall be exalted: But the rich, I pray shall be made low: know longer showing themselves as superiority only. As the flower of the grass they to shall pass. May we ALLOW be Blessed enduring temptation to continue quote the worlds lies: and when we are tried, I pray we continue to be patient while praying. I believe we all shall receive our crown, which the Lord hath promised to all that love him. So I will no longer be enticed by the Prince of this world within my mind. I will no longer believe that blessing and prosperity is only for the rich! God does not entice man to believe that wealth is only for the rich: All men are tempted to believe they shouldn’t be rich. That’s how they are drawn away of their own doubtful thoughts of unbelief. I no longer allow myself to bring forth doubtful sinful thoughts of death and poverty. I know that Every good gift and every perfect gift is FROM ABOVE. I believe that means within our minds! So I will stay encouraged! Being patient WHILE praying and continue to CALL DOWN the blessings of our Lord! Our Father of lights, has no individual differences, neither shadow of turning. I pray we all shall know the word of truth, believing that we are all the firstfruits! I pray we shall believe our desires shall come to pass. I pray we all believe the Lord has set us all on high. Believe all your blessings shall come, believe you are Blessed in the city, and blessed everywhere! Believe you are Blessed when we go and blessed coming back! Believe you are blessed inside your mind with positive desires. Believe God shall bless you in this world to come! WE are the fruit of The body of Christ! So our Lord shall command his blessing in OUR STOREHOUSES, (Our Minds) In all that we set our minds to do. The Lord has establish us as his holy people. So wear your Crowns! Let’s stay encouraged and continue to be swift to hear the true word of God which is his Grace and Mercy! Be slow to speak the lies of the devil stop repeating what the world quotes say. The Lord knows who his true followers are. So hold your wrath from those who deserve hold back the truth: Because the wrath of man works not the righteousness of God. May we all receive meekness the engrafted word of God, which is able to save our souls. Continuing to be doers of the word, and not just hearers only. We will know longer be deceiving our own selves. Thank you Lord for teaching us to no longer be just hearers of the word, and not a doer. I pray we will no longer behold our natural face in a glass mirror: going away, and straightway forgetting what manner of man you want us to be. As we walk away from the mirror. May we continue to look into the perfect law of liberty, our hearts where our guts are and continue being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the true word of God! Thank you Lord that we all shall be blessed in our deed. But If any man among us seem to be religious, I pray they will not show sudden anger, believing their way is the only right way to pray! I pray they shall not be deceive by their own heart, Being vain. Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself UNspotted from the world. Let’s visit our dead thoughts. By know longer being absent but attentive. Let’s be present with the Mind of Christ! Let’s invite our Lord back inside our thoughts. He want us to be free from moral stain. Father continue teaching us to visit you within our minds with lovely thoughts being present at all times; no longer allowing lovely thoughts to absent from our minds. So that we will no longer be like widows having death thoughts. Thank you for keeping us unspotted. Keep are thoughts pure. In Christ Jesus name! Amen And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Let each of us esteem other better than ourselves. Let each of us be fully persuaded in his own mind. “Our Masters are our Minds” Who art thou that judgest another man's mind? to his own master he stand or fall. He shall be holden up: God is able to make him stand. So let’s hold fast the form of sound words, which we have heard of, in faith and love. That good thing which was committed unto us keep by the Holy Ghost which dwells in us. Let us become wise, observing things, and as we continue to read and pray may we continue to understand the lovingkindness of the Lord. My or eyes become righteous so that we shall see it, and rejoice. May all iniquity stop our mouth. May we be set on high from affliction. May we no longer be brought low through oppression, affliction, and sorrow. May we bless each other with goodness and righteousness so that we are multiplied greatly in love; and increase. Increase us together to yield the fruit of the spirit. To sow within our minds peace, joy, and patience which yield fruits of increase. Make our minds hungry for righteousness that dwell within, so that we may prepare our cities for habitation of safety. By turning our negative thoughts from wilderness into living water, and watersprings. Lord let us know longer pour out contempt that causes us to wander in the wilderness of our minds, Bring in fruitful nourishment instead of the wickedness. May we exalt ourselves in the congregation of our minds. We are the people of God so let’s praise him in the assembly of our minds. It is then we are glad because our thoughts are pure and be quiet; and we have brought them unto our desired place of safety and refuge, because our God has made the storm calm, and the waves still. May the Lord continue to bring us out of the wilderness. Making us see the deep places of our hearts and minds. May we continue to sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving and praise, and declare his works with rejoicing. Praising the Lord for his goodness, and for delivering our thoughts from our own destructions. Oh that men would praise the Lord! Christ has brought us out of darkness into his marvelous light and brake our bands asunder. Those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, are bound in affliction, but God! He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness. Thank you for leading us forth by the right way, going through in safety. Thank you for no longer allowing our souls to Hungry and thirsty, nor fainted within us. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so! He hath redeemed us from the hand of the enemy; His mercy endure for ever. Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay your vows unto the most High: And call upon him in THE DAY of trouble: Let your LIGHT SHINE!