“I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.”
(Genesis 12:2, NIV)
Blessed to Be a Blessing
When God told Abraham, “I will bless you and you will be a blessing,” it infers that if you’re not going to be a blessing, you’re not going to be blessed. The two are tied together. The Scripture says, “Give, and it will be given to you.” If you’re not giving away what God has given you, that blessing is not going to continue in the way it could. If you give away healing, then healing will keep coming back to you. If you want to stay free from the addiction, help somebody else get free. Keep giving away what God has given you.
If you let what God gives you flow through you, He’ll keep giving it to you. It’s tempting to think, “I received my blessing. Lord, thank You,” but that’s going to cause you to become stagnate. If you’re not giving anything away, nothing new is going to come. When you’re always lifting people up, encouraging them, making them better, then blessings are always going to come to you.
Prayer “Father, thank You for what You’ve brought me through that I can now use to help others in their struggles. Thank You that I have something to give, some encouragement to share, and some blessing to impart. Help me to give away what You’ve given to me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
(Genesis 12:2, NIV)
Blessed to Be a Blessing
When God told Abraham, “I will bless you and you will be a blessing,” it infers that if you’re not going to be a blessing, you’re not going to be blessed. The two are tied together. The Scripture says, “Give, and it will be given to you.” If you’re not giving away what God has given you, that blessing is not going to continue in the way it could. If you give away healing, then healing will keep coming back to you. If you want to stay free from the addiction, help somebody else get free. Keep giving away what God has given you.
If you let what God gives you flow through you, He’ll keep giving it to you. It’s tempting to think, “I received my blessing. Lord, thank You,” but that’s going to cause you to become stagnate. If you’re not giving anything away, nothing new is going to come. When you’re always lifting people up, encouraging them, making them better, then blessings are always going to come to you.
Prayer “Father, thank You for what You’ve brought me through that I can now use to help others in their struggles. Thank You that I have something to give, some encouragement to share, and some blessing to impart. Help me to give away what You’ve given to me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”