We understand that you're seeking God's blessing, protection, and intervention in your life. Firstly, we want to remind you that God's precious blood was given to us in His son the Lord Jesus Christ. God desires to intervene and aid us in our journey through life. We can confidently go to him in prayer because of the blood of Jesus shed on the cross for us. It is in His name alone that we can approach God and it is in His name alone that we receive redemption.
Let us pray together for the requests that were made:
Almighty God, we come before You in the Mighty name of Jesus, thanking You for the gift of Your Son. We ask that You bless our day and protect us with Your mighty hand. Cover us as in a home and as with a shield with the Blood of Jesus. The same Blood that was given for us, sinners. Put Your truth in our innermost being and teach us wisdom in the inmost places that we do not yet know. May this wisdom bring healing, strength, and life in every good way to us. O Lord Jesus, You know the plans and schemes of the wicked and You know the truth behind the false charges brought against us. We pray that You will fight our battles just as you promised in your word You would do, that You will set every wrong thing right and that You will expose lying tongues and make them stammer. Let your fire consume those evildoers. Let Him who is the judge of the earth execute justice. (Genesis 18:25) "Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?" (Genesis 18:25) We are also told that You are our shield and very great reward: Genesis 15:1
Lord, Your word is alive and active and sharper than any two-edged Sword. Your word is quick, powerful and able to judge the thoughts and intentions or motives of the heart. Your word a discerner of the heart. God, You will triumphantly prove the truth to be the truth. May your word uphold those fighting for truth in our legal system.
We hope that you know that we can come to God through the name of Jesus in every circumstance and turn to His word for assistance in every circumstance. For example, Colossians 3:17 "Whatever you do, in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father, through him."
If you do not already know Jesus as Lord, Savior and friend, we pray that you will accept the free gift of salvation He offers to you. If you do not know the basic plan of salvation, we pray that you will seek this out so that you have the confidence of knowing that you have received of the Lord in this precious gift He offers.
God, our Father, we pray for godly spouses and marriages that honor You, and we will encourage individuals to pursue that which aligns with biblical principles. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.