Great God of the universe, bind up divisive high ranking principality and demons operating through my grown children, argument demons, cursing at me, name calling demons, demons of my ex-fiance girlfriends, wife's and hating females. Mathew 18:19. I pray the spirit of love, reconciliation and love for me as a god-loving mother. I pray the spirit of love, forgiving, acceptance, respect, understanding, virtue for me as an elder, guide, God woman, God head, blessed and spirit guide. Loose these spirit over my family according thine word.
Oh Lord, sever the high ranking witch prayers and communication coming from the Satanic High ranking evil witches and Warlocks through all means. Vanquish the foe and erase their evil utterance and bitter words. For Jesus erased the writing on the wall. Lay all past family problems and iniquities on the back of Jesus and at the Lord's altar. We must love one another. Oh Lord, if I be a true woman of God. Father God, bring my children together and what's left of my mother and father children together in fellowship. In Jesus Yeshua the Christ holy name I pray. Oh Lord seal this prayer with Solomon's seal and the blood of Jesus.
Oh Lord, sever the high ranking witch prayers and communication coming from the Satanic High ranking evil witches and Warlocks through all means. Vanquish the foe and erase their evil utterance and bitter words. For Jesus erased the writing on the wall. Lay all past family problems and iniquities on the back of Jesus and at the Lord's altar. We must love one another. Oh Lord, if I be a true woman of God. Father God, bring my children together and what's left of my mother and father children together in fellowship. In Jesus Yeshua the Christ holy name I pray. Oh Lord seal this prayer with Solomon's seal and the blood of Jesus.