Beloved of All
BIG praise report: yesterday as i wa is prayer ( pray for one another that ye maybe healed) i recieve dhelaign in my facial bones. thanky ou So much Lord Jesus Christ!! praises to YOu Lord. also i see soem ver ynice improvmeent isn my grandma pleas econtunue ot pray for her healign as she has been bedridden for years. pleas epray for my dad heart valve needs helaign and needs planty of oxygen inhis heart. pleas epra ym grandma is released form alle vil unclena would like to be free form type 1 diabetes spsirt of lusitng after what money cna buy and covetousness( idolatry). pleas epra ymy whole fmaily is free form these thigns and find joy in serivnt eLor.d pelas epray my dad is not homeless anymore that hsi insulin levels are stbale and that his spinal fracture is healed dehydration high bloodpressu high blood suga remotional healed adn the Lor dheals his heart Lor dpelase hela my moms brian delive rher form bitterness andbrign helign to her heart and giv eher merry hopeful hear titn he Lord. Lor dbless my parents and allf maiyl grndma and my hubby form the Lord all relatives all side sallepopel with your protection guidance Your Holy spirit. may we exลerience Your lvo for us Lord .help usbe faihtful deovted sertants to you Lord Jeus Chirst. help us to achknoweldeg YOu ina ll our way and pelase mke our paths straight Lor dteahc mehow to clen awehn and hwo toorgnize and your vision for our home and ym fmaily and do the same for my hubby formt he Lord.dleiver us all form every evil adn allt hat prevent sus form following YO lrod. forgiv emy sisn and guide me to hwo to help me fmaiyla nd wha to buy and how ot take car eof the hoem andmyslef. pelas egiv em more energya dn i pryou heal al onthis site. dleive urs ofrm oru debts heal oru hearts and and our sousl. dleive rme form anxiety and stess related illness. pelase hall al who nee dhelaign ro new teth or organs. pelaxe dleiver lal form flesh eatign bacteria. dleiver my fmaiylf rom all curses genraitonal curses. pelase help us repent. help women to be exceleltn keepers at hoem . be our source of comfort. pelas egudie my hubby wiht your holy spirit. help hima t work. tell im i lvo eim all teh time and ta ti find his super hot. love and kisses othim whoeve rhe is. pelase giv eus a deivnely romantic prtoective sweet and gentle conenction by your Holy spirit. make us one at YOur WIlla nd itmign Lord. i surrender my lfie andhusband and fmaily . may YOur WIll eb dne. instruct all peopel int he way we shoudl go. gudi us wiht you eye. hel em fall in lvoe wiht oyu above allLord Jeus Chirst. please dleiver this world form all divorce idolatry audltery. protect allamrriage soyu ahve ordaine diwht hte powe rof your hOly sirt. please let marriage be honorabel above all. pelas ehall my parntes ine very way and restore their marriage via the power of the Hoyl spirit. please provide ofr my fmialy neneds. help me to care for my grandm dn have energy and not be negligent in her care or the care of my fmaily. help me stay foccused and dleiver me form lonliness. dleiver em form stres. dlive rmy grandma form demntia and giv eher exceelelnt oxygena and exceleltn bloodsuagr blood pressure . pelas ehlp me od the gardne. pelas eprovide best clenaign clothign ecor supplies approprite nutrtion exceeltn warm hoem for my dad. bless my dad send trillins of holy angels to my perns my grandma amy brother and B an V sand ll relative sll sides and brign us the helaign and dleiveranc eform alle vil unclean spirits and torment fear and all thigns not of God's WIll i pray htis for B oo. pelas edleive rhimformt eh desir eto smoke and dirnk. in the name of the Lord Jeu Chirst by th epwowe rof the Holy Blood of Christ. please save allsouls and please hel pme do my part to birign sousl itno oyur Kingdm. guid eme Lord. restore an remnew my outh and pleas eod the sma eofr lal epoel. giv esu the strenght wisodmand determinationa nd power ot do your WIl. please guid eme to how othelp my grandm and mom and dad .pleas eldieve rmy brother form all neurdevelopmentla disoders and all peopeel too. hela his briana dnalso histmien intolerance. bring Salvaiton to HImhis house and fmaily. protec his marriage form all evila dn his fmaily. Lor dpelase dleive rhti sowrkd form corna virus. heal all who wo have tye pe diabetes cancer dieabetes insipidus lyme disease scoliosis and osteoposis. dleive rme form emtabloic acidosis. please hela my body mind soul and dleive rme formthe devils hands. i pray htis formy hubby formt eh Lord ot for all epope.le. pelase giv eus all emrry hearts help us dicover the love of Chirs ttaand always. enlighten or eyes Lord. incline my hear tnot to covetousness idolatry and dleive rme form every false way . FOr OYu Lord are my God i pray htis for my hubby form the Lord oto. and for my parents. pelas eprotect my dad form accident death and calmitieyheal and restor ehis body. touch him Lord wiht hte powe rof oyur holy spoit and dieve hrimf rom heart disease and my grandma dtoo. remove congestive heart failure form my grandma nd all ucnlena spirits .sma eiwht my dad. mirculously .pelase heal all my fmaily and all epoel formperopdotal disease. please help me to hae soudnmidn no intrusve thoguths .deiver lalpeoel form ucnleanc thoguths ucidal htoguths. give all hope healign lovepower ans soudn midn. the power and iwlligninness to do God' WIll and ot knwo what God's WIll is. thanky ou For htis day.pelase giv elalepoel peace and clarity adn to intimate know YOu and youlvoe Fathr . int hename fo the Lord Jeus Chirst name i Pray.