Beloved of All
BIG Prais ereport: i prais ethe Lord God almgihty for 2 days ago and days later too He gave me tremdendous helaign on my skul aorund my eye smy eyes and i gianed some weight! prais ethe LOr.d pleas epray my fmiyl is dleivered of all flesh eatign bacteri incluidn al strep flehs eaitng bacteria. pelas epray the Lor docmpeleltey dleivers me form allillness icnuldign type 1 diabetes kidnyes also same fo rmy grandma too please also pray that al diabetes high blood sugar dehydratoin autism asperger neurlogical mental physical emotianl illenss or developmntal delay cease form ym famyil and that as for me and myhousehowld we shal srve the LOrd . pelase pray my fgrand Schneider VilmosnΓ© need helaign of small bwoel sobstruciton syndorm and Lor dhelp me do diapers clean matress ety. please Lord also dleiver me fromily form al ehart prblems al unbelif towards you. Lord dleive rme form severe anyxiety concenrign teeth and medical issues. pelase restor emy moth form flehs eaitng bacteira. pelase do al inyour pwower to also hela all my fmaily of all ehlath issues destory the works fo the deivl on our lives and forgiv eour sisn pelase Lor id pleade oyur Holy blood. help me to take car eof the home you blesse duus with. pelase dleive rus form all mold and also guard my haert words and acitons. comepeltey fdelvier this world form coronavirus adn all plagues pelas also dleive rme form corona phobia. Lor dleiver me form fears anyiety. Lord giv em stretght coudn mind no instursiv ehtoughts or negative htoguhts. pelase dlieve rlal peoell form thoguths form the devil. delive rmy fmaily form al ungodly habits and destructive thoguhts. also i pray you please giv eme a God ly HUsband after oyur own heart Lord who is boen of my boen flehs of my flesh soemoeb who is extrmeley protective lovign me as you would want. pelas eguid eHIm cocnenrign me HIm oru relatioship and dont le the deivl destor your relaitonship or our lives future fofprigs or respectiv efmaily. guide whoever my husband is to find me and protect an dprovide ofr HIm. bles smy husband wiht excelelnt health dleiveranc eof all ungodly habits addictions all evil. wash HIm clena in YOur blood Lord Jeusus Chirst and guide him every sedocn hour of the day. may he belive itn he Lord Jeus Chirs tiwht la His heart and read and obey the Bble oyur hOly Word i pray htis for all mena nd woemn too.Lor ddo al inyour power to protect all marriages oyu have ordained formt he devil and protect my fmily formt he deivl in every way. Lor ddleiver us ofrm the devil ine veryway help us ot follow oyu kearn your ways adn not sin agisn toyu. protec tus formthe lust of eyes giv eus peace ocntecnt and abudnant life i pray this for msy fmaiyl his sid eof fmilay or fmaiyl my sisd eof fmaily. pelase also protect and care for my uncle provid ehim wiht the mest medical attention cares dleive rhimf orm all sickness and disease hela him for oyur glory prais eand hOnru.Lor dleiver him and hid mom and sister form al sickness diseases and demons. Lor doyu knwo where i am weak . dleiver me form all intimidaiton. giv eme great desire to pursue oyur will and knwo oyur Will also ipray this for my husband banc too. pelase giv emand my hsuabdn lot sof sweet bondign togetherness romance and joy togehter whoeve rmy husband is prtotec tprepare him to be the best husabnd YOu want HIm for em to be may H eknow oyur way may He have the fruit of the psyirit in every way. also please dleiver my parents form lal eivl. hela my moms hips hela her teeht ugms dentla flehs her brian her nercves senses hela her and hela my dad too ine very way heal al insulin problems pelas make his hear valve healed pelas eigv ehim joy in the hOly spirit and same with my mom. pelas ehal my grandma sblood brian heart hips lungs her whole flehs all for yur prais eglro yand honor Lord. Lor dalway sknwo what my business is and what my busienss istn. pelas egiv eme deeper strogner intimacy iwht oyu Lord trust faiht and giv eme my husband and all epoel wisdom and the power ot obey your word evry seodnct of every a.y pelas ehela all who have cancer diabetes flehs eaitng bacteri covsid. Lor dplnless all voutnries may all be born agian belviers and foloower sof Chirs tonly. maynon perish but have everlasitng lif ein Christ. pelas heal and restore all people by the Lif eof Chirst. protec tmy fmaily and all peopel form accident death calamities and injuries. hela my grandma for oyur Glory Lor dstrenghtn eour fiaht in your Lord Jeus Chirst and may we all serve oyu only. please gudie al peoelw ih your hOly spirit today and may we all make wise deicsions and honor you Lord. thnaky ou for oyur helaign belssign support direction and always being wiht us int henameof the Lord Jeu sChrist. also help me speak ehlp me say the words YOu want me to say hear the wordys OYu want em to hear help me to 100% correctly discern yYOur voice Lord and holy spirit. pleas guie me concenrin marriage and wisdom in all thigns htnak you Lord itn henameof the Lord Jesus Christ