Beloved of All
BIG MIRACLE Praise report: yeserday the Lord did so many mircle sin my facial and teeth alignment. the Lord can do all things. i praise oyu Lord. thnak you for all your prayers. pelase pray for my fmailiys complelte repentance and lso salvation in Chirst our whoel hearts devoted to servign God. and same wiht me. i would like full dleiverance form coronaphobia andother type of fear need mroe courge ot cleaninternet addiction freedom lookign at clothes addictive sites.. peas epray the Lord dleivers me and my fmaiyl form all unrepentedt sin and helps us open oru eyes to truth and dleiver sus form depression despair. Lor dplease touch and dleiv rme form type 1 diabetes diabete sinsipidus and root cause theroro, dleiver em form all false way leanignon my understandign develope my healign so i can hear oyu clearly and right towe etc and also expose the devilslies to me. ipray this for all peopeol. pelas ehal my dads heart valve viitmin deficiency osteoporsis pelase reverse and heala ll conditions.pleas ekeep him warm and delive rhimf rom homelessness. please giv ehim ebst pensionw ith benefits and trillions of holy angels otminsiter to him.pelas ehelp his find Chirst an dmake HIm ord of HIs lfie. also help em adn all peoel to find Chirst an dmake Him Lor dof our lives. Lord dleiver emf orm my idols ehlp em to enjoy the work oyu estbalished fo rme. help em be tbetter caregivie rgive me strenght and determintion. pelas ehal my grandmas spinal alignment her eyes bloodpressure all high blood sugar related issues please dleiver me and her form type one diabetes and diabetes insipidus and root causes theroof. Lor dldiever me form a male spirit or any othe runclena spirits .please releas eem form teh demonic realm i please your Holy blood upon me. i aso pray for B the same. dleive rhimform wtichcraft opression and myself too.pelase destroy all witschcraft spells curses and unclean spirits in our lives. i pray htis of rlal my fmail y too. r if B is my hubby form oyu Lord than peas elt me know.i plead oyur Holy blood upon my true Huband form God. i pray God join us so strognly to be ne that we can easily red each other smind have exceleltn communciation eye cotnact emotional bondign recprocity that eh edevi lhas no powe rove rus nor our marriage or fufutre fofospring i pelad your Holy blood Lord Jeus Chirs to this. this is for my true hibby formt he Lord. ii also pray this fo rall marriages you have ordianed. ipray oyu heal and restore my mparent smarriage for oyu praise and glory LLord. cleary heal thei rmidns emotions and WIll to be according to CHirst.. please strgnthen heal and hep my pbrothers marriage wiht his wife. pelas hela my brother form depression giv ehim merr yheart help him be the man you want him to eb and help his wife be te woman you call ehr to be. please help tehm and provide ofr all their need sheall them physically mentaly emotionally and may they see the Lord move midst them and Chirst be present iwht htem and guide htem with HIs Holy spirit . ipray htis for al marriages God has ordained. pelase send trillions of hoyl angels and true mentors form Christ to mentor my ubby and prepare him to eb excleltn lovign Christ devoted husband to me and excellent daddy to our childrne. may H enever see anyhtign unclena in me and may he be onyl attracted to me everyhtign baout me as his wife an dvice versa. ma yiwe be best freidns and true partner in cCHirs tOn ein Chirst and may the Lord provid eof rour need finance dwelign place and prtoect our vies our respectiv efmialies ofrm lale ivl. Lord giv em yhubby , non coutnerfeit the work you want him to di o . help him at work and protec thimf orm evil doers and persecution. please dleiver B form smoking and alchahulisma dn also please dleive hrimf orm all vil influences may he be wisest man on eart and hav strong walk wiht the Lord. Lor dma yi seenothign uncln en in my hubby cleanse us and help us to deprat form alle ivl and uncleanliness. Lord restore my relaitonship with my mom. pelas hela her midn brian emotions and wi.ll. dleive rher form bitterness resent dpression hopelessness. may she find you Lord and see that oyu are a godo and faithful God. deliver her form asperger snydorme an dorot cause throf. also hela my brother sbrian if he has the condiiton to. all by your Power Lord Jeus Chirst. thnak yu. pelase also hela Bé form érelmeszszedés send triliony of holy angels ot heal and minster nd guide him wiht oyur Holy spirit. giv ehim your salvation to hima nd his fmialy and the heaign they need. Lor dpleas ehlp em clena today pelase giv em wisdommotivaitn adn power to clen and keep home. help me to see oyu in the midst of my job. pleas eprovide tiems of rest and leisure and great frienships too. but make notign an idolfor me. may oyu pelase coem into my heart and convist change fix my heart o have do idols or dersire sbut to pelase You Lord love of my life ofrever int henameo fthe Lord Jue Chirs.t help em to love my neighbor as myself. Lor dprotec tm yocming an dgoign and do so for all poeple. pelase dliever lal poepel form type 1 diabetes diabetesy insipiduay kidney disease dlementia flehs eating bacteri asautism cp heal al woudns. hela my grnamdas woudns and straighten and hela her bck. ehla and restor ehe rbrian and heal and restores her veins and arterises rutured blood vessels. Lor dplease dleive r my form depression adn and lust. same wiht my mom. plaeas ehelp us serve ouy onyla nd not look to the elft or right. help em to beocme the woeman you clal em to e hela all peoel in hpsital ambulances. please protect all peopelf orm foolishness acicidenss tiredness wearniss depression dleiverance form suicidal thoguhts. please ma yall have love foroen another in a holy sense and protect all marriages form adultery. Lor dgiv emy husband desire for em as his wife. and vice versa. may he always see em as his one an donly rib. tell him i lvoe him and dprotec thimf orm the devila nd form misinformaiton and form all witchraft over work weariness and depression giv ehim emrr yheart always and touch him wehre he needs healign and deiverance and help him repent formall sisn asn trnt o the true God and eternallife. Our ord Jeus Chirst. lord hel pme feel less lonley . thnak you formy lfie htis day. Ma your IWll eb doen and same for allepopel. pelase dleiver this world formcorona virus and dleive remf rom corona phobia by otngiht. pelase also protec tus form evil doers and help em to clena do gared feed Grandé the foods oyu want me to feed her iwht. bless my fmialy wiht the bes tnurtion appropraite for all or needs and pelase if oyu are willig provid ebest widosm in our hearts adn willignness ot do oyur Wil. i pray this for my my husband and our respectiv efmailies. thnaky ouf or oyur helaign ouches. pelase destory the work ofthe devil in my lfie my ubbys life and lalpoeels live.s svae all youls Lord Jeus Chirst amd make us all to eb your most faihtful servant.s pelas ehelp my Lord when i feel the pressur s of lif eare too much. also guide my momwith oyur holy spirits. bless my parents and fmaiyl and hubby and his respective isde of fmailyn and oru marriage wiht happy healht logns life serivng an dpraisign God all day long and all the day sof oru lives. iv em me wisodm on housekeeping wiht hte resource si have giv em wisodm on time maangemtn sdecoraitgn and gerdenign and all thgn spertianing to ckeep hous eclena. pelase dleive rus form all tocxic thign sin hoem inculign ungodly habits and toxi mould. pelas eahl mymoms heart in every way. pleas ebless her toda yn my grand and my hubby in a ver ypowerfulw ay. please destory the works fot he devil in allvies. dleiver lalpeoel form cancer and tumours miraculoulsy and give hop to all . thnak you Lord. in thename of the Lord Jesus Christ.