Disciple of Prayer
Bible verses, God the Father, God the Son, the Holy Spirit, man, salvation, sanctification, God's purpose of grace, the body of Christ, Baptism by Christ into the Holy Spirit, the Lord’s Day, the kingdom of God, Proclaim the gospel of Christ, serve God, love God, obedience, know God, relationship with God, know about God, grow in grace and knowledge, stewardship, ●We owe Him the highest love, reverence, and obedience. ●Serve God with talent, time, material possessions - all were given to us to use for the glory of God and to help others cheerfully, regularly, proportionate and liberally (for the advancement of redeemers' cause on earth). ●Grow in grace, seek to know God. ●Knowledge about God, God’s truth (His Word), understanding His truth, and applying His truth. ●Constantly seek to win the lost to Christ by proclaiming the gospel.