God I enter your gates with thanksgiving for all you’ve given: family, friends, a place to live, technology, blessing and keeping, food, water, and the list goes on. I ask my wife forgives me for responding harshly to her ### hrs of silence over relatively petty requests. Though they are petty and help me stay organized (putting my keys back after taking the car, putting my wallet back after shopping, asking permission before lending my truck to others), it’s not worthy of an argument. I ask you help us get to the root of that problem of not listening with an intention of basic respect and give me more patience and words that make knowledge acceptable. I am both required to disciple my family and responsible to model Jesus Christ in my negotiations. Also care for her spiritually, emotionally and physically. Help her help me by doing the things only she can do for the family. Please be with my son as he develops, grows and give him a healthy environment to bring him up in the way he should go so latter in life he is set for the course you lay out for him with fewer mistakes than his parents. That’s why we need relational blessing. We need to model You so he knows You’re real. Lastly, help me find the right job. Let an invitation be in my email for the next steps, or a job alert that will lead to a great company and work-life balance. Help it more than meet our needs. Help me always tithe and know how to tithe at present without having earned any income over the last year, but rather lost money and spent money on basic living. We know You can do exceedingly abundantly beyond all we ask or imagine by the power of The Holy Spirit, angels ministering to our needs, and the faithfulness of answered prayer. Thanks in Jesus’ name.