[SIZE=16pt]As he who fell among the thieves and was sorely wounded, they too have fallen because of their own sins, and their soul is gravely wounded. Unto Whom shall they flee for refuge, they who have brought this upon themselves, except unto Thee, the compassionate healer of souls. Pour out upon them, O God, Thy great mercy.
They have come unto Thee, O Compassionate One, as did the Prodigal Son. Receive them, as they fall down before Thee, as one of Thy hired servants, O God, and have mercy on them. Having fallen among the thieves of their own thoughts, their mind hath been stripped from them, the miserable one; and all their soul is terribly wounded, and they lie there in the path of life naked of any virtue. The priest, seeing them in the agony of their unhealable wounds, looks past them and doth not attend unto them. But Thou, Who in Thy good, O Christ God, in Thy man-befriending manner, grant them healing, pouring upon them Thy great mercy.
They bring to mind that fearful day, and they mourn for their evil actions. How shall they render an account to the immortal King? With what boldness shall they, the prodigal, look unto the Judge? O merciful Father, Only-begotten Son, and Holy Spirit, have mercy on them.
In that valley of tears, in that place which Thou hast ordained, when thou sittest, O Merciful One, to make that just judgment, do not make public all of their hidden deeds, nor shame them; but spare them, O God, and have mercy on them. It is they who are that unfruitful tree, O Lord, bearing no fruit of compunction at all; they fear being cut down at my very roots, and they cringe at that fire that is never quenched. Wherefore we beseech Thee: Before that violent moment, give them repentance and save them. Amen. [/SIZE]