We would like to give thanks, unto the Lord, for having a good Thanksgiving, and hopefully the holidays ahead will be the same, and we all have good days ahead, and we pray the same for others, as well. In Jesus name, we pray. We pray in Jesus name that we get through all our Dr.'s appointments, surgeries, labs, we're facing, and all goes well. As we continue to be able to afford our out of pocket, medical expenses, and the Lender's, are assisting us, so that we can become successful homeowners, soon. We are grateful, that my daughter and her family, has gotten their transportation, fixed, and looking forward, for them finding a home of their own. We are grateful. We pray our grandson, can get better with his ADHD, he's with his Aunt, has gotten beat up, by other kids, seems, everywhere he goes, there's a problem. Whatever kind of other problems, he has, I pray it can be resolved, or get under control, the family worries, about him all the time, and pray. Once I got some information, from a prayer request, I wrote to ur ministry, about ADHD, the behavioral problems, he has, and the response, I received, was very interesting, I lost it, couldn't retrieve it, when I had to replace, the other phone, I had. If at all possible, can you send it to me, again. Thank You For Your Prayers