Prayer Partner
Please pray for me. I’m being bullied and harassed by my supervisor at work. Every week she gets on me about something and it’s usually petty. She gets mad if I’m a minute late to a team’s meeting and retaliates by ignoring me in the meeting and stays mad at me for days and if I don’t tailor an email exactly the way she wants me to (I’m not a mind reader, give me a template of that email of how you want it structured). She has falsely accused me of doing something in front of colleagues and another company in a group email and then later gave me a lame apology later when she found out she was wrong, she throws me under the bus instead of taking it for the team (like a good leader should). I’m good at my job, and I’m covering pretty much a three-person job yet this isn’t enough. HER boss likes me and always lets me know I’m doing a good job with my tasks, projects, and assignments.
My supervisor favors one employee over me and lets her do whatever she wants and this employee bullies me too by purposely not training me on things, withholding information from me, excluding me from important team meetings that involve my work, and she excludes me from social events. My supervisor defends her even if she’s wrong, even if I provide evidence, and she reprimands and scolds me publicly in front of other colleagues (I had to call her out on this and she somewhat stopped). I have had nothing but bad luck with female coworkers and female bosses in the corporate office and I’m pretty quiet and keep to myself to avoid confrontation and “provoking” them somehow. Please pray for me and my work situation. I have been waiting and praying for my side hustle to turn into a full-time career so I can leave the corporate world for good!
My supervisor favors one employee over me and lets her do whatever she wants and this employee bullies me too by purposely not training me on things, withholding information from me, excluding me from important team meetings that involve my work, and she excludes me from social events. My supervisor defends her even if she’s wrong, even if I provide evidence, and she reprimands and scolds me publicly in front of other colleagues (I had to call her out on this and she somewhat stopped). I have had nothing but bad luck with female coworkers and female bosses in the corporate office and I’m pretty quiet and keep to myself to avoid confrontation and “provoking” them somehow. Please pray for me and my work situation. I have been waiting and praying for my side hustle to turn into a full-time career so I can leave the corporate world for good!