It might sound crazy, but you have to kill the devil with kindness and love. It literally confuses the hell out of the devil, I know cause I did it recently with a woman in my condo development that had a feud with me for 8 years. I sucked the evil power right out of her when I gave her a hug and told her that I wished she would forgive all my actions in the past arguments and that it was not God like and she stood there with jaw drop then laughed and said are you ok? I did a full 360 on her. The look on her face was priceless and cheerful for once. she had no choice but to smile in awe. But what I saw with my spiritual eyes was - God going into that angry demon inside of her that's been festering for years and tossing it out of her to make her happy again. It changed our relationship just in one swoop. Love puts out fires and extinguishes hateful attitudes. If your boss has a conscious at all, she will be affected by any care and love directed at her. Try it one day. Do an act of kindness for her openly or secretly, it will throw her off her angry rhythm. Most people like that are unhappy in their lives and want to share their misfortunes and miseries with everyone by dragging them down with them. They have done it so long, that they cannot even recognize they are doing it. But love Casts out all manners of Evil. God Bless you. Amen