The truth comes from heaven and we can hear and read it in Gods word. It is the armor of God to tell everyone of what will happen to earth before Jesus appearing in the clouds to take us all home to heaven.
The earth will be destroyed by fire.
The sun will burn everything.
Forests will dissapear.
Rivers and lakes will dissappear.
Cattle and wild animals
Will not have anything to drink.
Food shortages and high prices.
Jesus will deliver those who come to Him.
Fast and pray that we will be deliverd.
Just as the day of Lot.
People were deep in sin.
Refuse to repent from evil.
Angels from heaven came to tell him.
Sodom and Ghomorrah will be destroyed.
Be fire coming from heaven.
A volcano exploded and killed everyone.
Now, Jesus is telling us.
The world will be destroyed by fire.
Repent and come to Jesus.
Be saved and walk in the light of His presence.
Now is the time.
Tomorrow will be late.
Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people you ought to be in holy conduct and godliness. Looking and hastening for the coming of the Lord, because of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning and the elements will melt with intenese heat.
II Peter 3, 11,12
I am continually fasting and praying to Jesus to be delivered from what is to come to earth. O Lord, deliver us from anything that will come in the future. We are in Your hands. In Jesus name. Amen
The earth will be destroyed by fire.
The sun will burn everything.
Forests will dissapear.
Rivers and lakes will dissappear.
Cattle and wild animals
Will not have anything to drink.
Food shortages and high prices.
Jesus will deliver those who come to Him.
Fast and pray that we will be deliverd.
Just as the day of Lot.
People were deep in sin.
Refuse to repent from evil.
Angels from heaven came to tell him.
Sodom and Ghomorrah will be destroyed.
Be fire coming from heaven.
A volcano exploded and killed everyone.
Now, Jesus is telling us.
The world will be destroyed by fire.
Repent and come to Jesus.
Be saved and walk in the light of His presence.
Now is the time.
Tomorrow will be late.
Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people you ought to be in holy conduct and godliness. Looking and hastening for the coming of the Lord, because of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning and the elements will melt with intenese heat.
II Peter 3, 11,12
I am continually fasting and praying to Jesus to be delivered from what is to come to earth. O Lord, deliver us from anything that will come in the future. We are in Your hands. In Jesus name. Amen