Prayer Partner
Dear Prayer Warriors,
Greetings in Jesus Name from the desk of REV. DR. MATHEW I. NATHANIEL - INDIA.
We are doing Ministry in India among the scheduled caste and tribe people according the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Thank Lord. We are planted One Main Station and 6 branch stations. As usually we are conducting Sunday School - Sunday Services - Night Prayers - Cottage Prayers - Village Ministry and Street Mass Evangelism with a great responsibility with the Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord.
Our Special Village Evangelism Team will take a great response to go and preach the GOSPEL OF CHRIST in every Sunday Evening for getting new souls. Thank Lord. When they want to go for the Ministry they wants to Hire the Four Wheeler to travel here and there and getting very difficulty. In this we are decided to purchase one FOUR WHEELER SEATER OF 12.
So herewith we are requesting to all the PRAYER WARRIORS please pray for the sufficient funds to purchase the vehicle for the ONLY MINISTRY PURPOSE. We are trusting in God our Almighty that we will get it in one Month if the warriors will pray with the great response.
If any one want to know more about our ministry please communicate with us either throught the Postal Mail or E-mail given the below. Thanks to all in Jesus Name. Hope to hear good news from all of you in Jesus Name.
Faithfully in Jesus Name,
PO BOX NO - 9 / NELLORE - 524003
Greetings in Jesus Name from the desk of REV. DR. MATHEW I. NATHANIEL - INDIA.
We are doing Ministry in India among the scheduled caste and tribe people according the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Thank Lord. We are planted One Main Station and 6 branch stations. As usually we are conducting Sunday School - Sunday Services - Night Prayers - Cottage Prayers - Village Ministry and Street Mass Evangelism with a great responsibility with the Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord.
Our Special Village Evangelism Team will take a great response to go and preach the GOSPEL OF CHRIST in every Sunday Evening for getting new souls. Thank Lord. When they want to go for the Ministry they wants to Hire the Four Wheeler to travel here and there and getting very difficulty. In this we are decided to purchase one FOUR WHEELER SEATER OF 12.
So herewith we are requesting to all the PRAYER WARRIORS please pray for the sufficient funds to purchase the vehicle for the ONLY MINISTRY PURPOSE. We are trusting in God our Almighty that we will get it in one Month if the warriors will pray with the great response.
If any one want to know more about our ministry please communicate with us either throught the Postal Mail or E-mail given the below. Thanks to all in Jesus Name. Hope to hear good news from all of you in Jesus Name.
Faithfully in Jesus Name,
PO BOX NO - 9 / NELLORE - 524003