Please Pray for me & my husband. He has Alzheimers & is in the rest home for the remainder of his life. I have a very rare disease & cannot afford the medication to alliviate the pain of it. I am losing my home. I am penniless & draw very little from Social Security ($600.00 a month). It doesn't pay for my light bill & medicine. They won't let me have Food Stamps. So I am down to 1 meal a day, and that is not much. My children help me all they can but they are in the mist of losing their homes also. I have no place to go & no one to turn to but the LORD. I am paralyzed & cannot walk. I have to depend on someone to bring me something to eat if I get it. I pray constantly for a miracle. Could you please pray for me that the Lord will provide a way for me to survive. Thank You. Elaine