Beloved of All
asking God to forgiv my sisn help me feed and cleanm y grandma withotu any problems . i need the neergy i need soem faith ,
r dhela my mom dleiver her form all evil. Lord healmy grandma heal my dad help my borther and wife and bab oversees. if you wan them to live there than pleas eprovide the best accomodation for them . guide them int he way they shoudl go always and also al my fmaily and if God has a husband for me. Lor let me know . pleas eprotect himform all evil and join us ot be husabdn and wife. Lord please do alliny our power to help me care fo ym grandma os i odnt feel so aloen and pleas ehal my mentlsa health and thanky uf or healign ym body. help me with my covid phobobia. ai also need soem lov ein my life Lord. pelas eprovid efo rme love so i dont dr yup thank YOu lord Jeus Chirs ti plac e this praye rinyour hands.thank you Lord i plead oyur Holy blood on this praye.r please also help me cast my burdne on you please sustain me please dleiver em form disspoinment and sadness and healmy body an dformy grandm atoo. giv e my gransm miraculous helaign toda.y pleas bring peac ebewtee