Disciple of Prayer
I am asking for prayers as well as adding my own prayer to God to please fix the brokenness in my family.
I don't even really know how to put it into words, but it just seems like only bad things happen. Every day it seems that my brother continues to get full of more and more rage to the point that it is even difficult to interact with him. It feels like every day wake up in the morning to the sounds of my brother screaming horrible names and things to our mother. He can't seem to get a new job, and since he was scammed he has a large lot of money that our family will need to find out how to cover for. He continues to go out driving around doing who knows what and doesn't come back till the early morning then sleeps all day. The number of times that he has chased me into a corner and caused me to fear for my safety as he stands over me screaming and foaming at the mouth makes it hard to forgive him even though I know that's what I am supposed to do. The multiple times a week that I get trapped into conversations by him only to end up being called every profanity there is after all this time has eroded me down into nothing. To the point that I don't even remember what my personality is I've just shut down and do everything I can to avoid him. I wait in my room in panic and my heart beats out of my chest that he will come and start an argument with me every time I hear the door to his room open. Then tonight when I saw him kick the dog I felt a level of helplessness that I hadn't felt before and I'm so stressed I can't even sleep right now.
Mother has reached the same point as I have Lord, we are just so... Tired of the abuse. Of getting called stupid, and screamed at that he hates us and any derogatory word that comes to his mind, fearing him and what he will do, and feeling trapped... Father, I don't know how much more we can take. I just want it all to stop. I pray that you heard our prayer about this earlier tonight as well. I know he is lonely and he has many problems that I probably don't even know about, Lord help him and help my mother and I have the strength to not give up on him.
My father is lost. I pray that he comes back to you even though he has spent so many years straying away from you and denying you. On his behalf, I ask for your forgiveness for him and the hurt he has caused me, my brother, and my mother often over the years Lord God I pray that you help him to realize how much he needs you and to seek forgiveness in Jesus. As well as repair the shattered relationship between him and my brother.
I give the situation to you for I trust that you know the solution to this seemingly endless amount of pain that we all give each other for you can do all things, Father. We certainly have failed to find a solution on our own. I don't know if I want to pray that he comes to you and you change his heart somehow, I don't know if I should pray that whatever demon inhabits him is thrown out and cast into the abyss, or simply pray that you protect me and my mother from him. I just know that my family needs you, we need you to step in and somehow bring life and love and peace back into this family and free us from this unbearable situation. Father, I desperately ask this in the name of your son who you love Jesus. For you/he said to ask anything in your name and we shall receive. In Jesus's name, I pray. Amen.
I don't even really know how to put it into words, but it just seems like only bad things happen. Every day it seems that my brother continues to get full of more and more rage to the point that it is even difficult to interact with him. It feels like every day wake up in the morning to the sounds of my brother screaming horrible names and things to our mother. He can't seem to get a new job, and since he was scammed he has a large lot of money that our family will need to find out how to cover for. He continues to go out driving around doing who knows what and doesn't come back till the early morning then sleeps all day. The number of times that he has chased me into a corner and caused me to fear for my safety as he stands over me screaming and foaming at the mouth makes it hard to forgive him even though I know that's what I am supposed to do. The multiple times a week that I get trapped into conversations by him only to end up being called every profanity there is after all this time has eroded me down into nothing. To the point that I don't even remember what my personality is I've just shut down and do everything I can to avoid him. I wait in my room in panic and my heart beats out of my chest that he will come and start an argument with me every time I hear the door to his room open. Then tonight when I saw him kick the dog I felt a level of helplessness that I hadn't felt before and I'm so stressed I can't even sleep right now.
Mother has reached the same point as I have Lord, we are just so... Tired of the abuse. Of getting called stupid, and screamed at that he hates us and any derogatory word that comes to his mind, fearing him and what he will do, and feeling trapped... Father, I don't know how much more we can take. I just want it all to stop. I pray that you heard our prayer about this earlier tonight as well. I know he is lonely and he has many problems that I probably don't even know about, Lord help him and help my mother and I have the strength to not give up on him.
My father is lost. I pray that he comes back to you even though he has spent so many years straying away from you and denying you. On his behalf, I ask for your forgiveness for him and the hurt he has caused me, my brother, and my mother often over the years Lord God I pray that you help him to realize how much he needs you and to seek forgiveness in Jesus. As well as repair the shattered relationship between him and my brother.
I give the situation to you for I trust that you know the solution to this seemingly endless amount of pain that we all give each other for you can do all things, Father. We certainly have failed to find a solution on our own. I don't know if I want to pray that he comes to you and you change his heart somehow, I don't know if I should pray that whatever demon inhabits him is thrown out and cast into the abyss, or simply pray that you protect me and my mother from him. I just know that my family needs you, we need you to step in and somehow bring life and love and peace back into this family and free us from this unbearable situation. Father, I desperately ask this in the name of your son who you love Jesus. For you/he said to ask anything in your name and we shall receive. In Jesus's name, I pray. Amen.