Prayer Partner
07/27/2023 - Approx - 18:21 Hrs ,- Asking for miracles for all in need and for all who are homeless in AZ, or CA & southern CA as well banning Beaumont & Blythe & indio & Ripley for a great OUTPOURING OF the holy spirit globally as well as in THEASE areas and 
ALLSO asking 4 MERCYS and a revival for , all of CONUS or the entire globe china Russia Korea Germany south America Cuba afrika peru Thailand Mexico etc , as well as for mercy and restoration graces for any Who are backslidden or broken-hearted , due to being barren , Etc -&- ALLSO asking for Dewey Cook Jr , & Sr AZ , -&- A Dewey Cook & Brother Darren & his Two boys up in Oregon for Salvation & for a Lisa headger in Surprise AZ ( homeless 4 mercy for her please ) & 4 Austin Craver Barton in East Texas, & for the Sherrill family in East tx , and the MELLISA & Jason ? Dorcey family in Arkansas, for a Patricia Eastep in East Texas, & for a ray Craver in East Texas (salvation) -&- for any VETTS struggelling with PTSD , as well as against all Networked FEDD GOV veiled false justifications to make FMR VETTS UN-ABLE TO defend themselves !- as well as against government attempts at manipulating scripture to their benefit , etc -&- ALLSO asking for prayer for all honest FEDD GOV employees & for a family in so-cal the Puente family and for all of their combined relatives I plead the blood of iesous of nazereth over this petition RETROACTIVELY 4 all globally includeing Israel and all of the middle east & all widows & orphans & for 777- fold VEANGENCE APON all of the Enemy's Networked agency's in yeshuas holy name & by his holy blood shed forever for all of Eternity 4 all who would receive him in his holy name and by his holy blood I loose this 777 fold
... (Maverick58.com)