Beloved of All
askign the Lord ot forgiv e my sins and dleiver me formt hsi flehs eatign bacterial disease.. metabolic acidosis. Lor dplease hela me of this and hela my whole fmaily. if this is a generational curse pleas ehave mercy iplease restroe my moth teeth and organs so they work well. please adn dot he same for all poeple who have htis condition. revel to my why this is happenign. wha tmust i do to be well.. please please thank you for healign my Lord thank you for everyhtign. Lord please ressurect peoples organs and and teeth and also pleas ehave merc yon our sins. pleas ei ask you to pelas ehal my grandma who has been bedridden for year.s help me to care for her. please dliever my ewntire famamily blodo lien from all infections all diseases and curses and forgiveness of our sins. pelase 3333333333Lor di want ot be well but these illnesses they are so hard to bear.. please tlel my why i am so ill nad my grandma. please also heal my moms teeth and bones Lord pleas eprovided for our needs.Lord i knwo i am a sinenr pleas ehave mercy. Lrod htnak you for eternallife. help em love those nd help me to be present int he here and now. Lord pelase burse me bnack to health. and my grandma and my mom and dad and brother and also his fmaily and my husband to be. Lord htnak you for my life. pleaseprotect all of us form all evil. dleive rus form al evil and please heal all people of all flehs eatign bacteria. heal my husband to bes teeth as well. Lord reveal to me wisdom hwo to get rid of my this blood disease in fmaily... please Lord dlieve rus pleas ehave merc yin the nameof the Lord Jeus Chirst. may your Will alway sbe doen Lor dpleas ehal my form type 1 diabetes adn diabetes insipoidudus and all that oyu know what lal this illnesses....... Lor dplease.. do not le tmy heart becoem parched ..Lord thisis not me.. pelase give me livign waters adn also my famiyl too and all people. please dleiver lal peopel form all manner of sickness and disease,. please hal my husband form head to toe. giv ehim the best nutrtion the bes tof everything. iv egim the friendships he needs t o fulfill his destiny. dleive rhim form all toxic people and evil doers form all demonic strogn holds drinkkng smokign drugs. whatevr he needs deliverance form please dleive rhim and same with all people. dleiver us Lord Lor dpelase delive rus form all evil.. Lord Jeus Chirs tplease revela to me who is my flesh and bone smy husband. giv eme spiritual discernernment and hima nd allpeopel alsalways. giv ela lpeole wisodm like solomon. please force all to do your will today. please brign oyur salvaiton to al poele. Lor dim weary.. please nurse me back o health. i praise and thnakyou. help me to be able to connect emotionally wiht my mother and vice versa thank you. please dleive rmy dad and my whoel fmaily blodo lien form uric acids metbaolic problems. Lor di wish i coudl be free form all sickness and siease. have merc yLord. please int hename of the Lord Jeus Chirst. free tovi form all illness to in the nameof the Lord Jeus Chirst. please heal al who are sikc please regenerate those hwo los torgan function. ressurect organs teeth bodies backt o health back to live by the powe rof oyur Holy spirit. please Lor dplease giv eus alllife and in abundance. help em to always submit to you My Lord Jeus Chirst. help me to fall in love wiht oyu my entire beign. delive rme form all evil. dleiver me form bitternesa nd sadness. pelase