Beloved of All
askign God to remove lla evil speech form my mother smoth foreve rou t of her htoughts words no evil coming into or out of my mother ever agian in the name o fthe Lord Jesus Christ. i command every evil spirits leave my mother and dad .every evil sprit casuign disease or dmeon posession or idolatry unholiness lnd deception to leave my mother and dad forevr in the nameo fthe Lord Jesus Christ. to the glory and prais eof our Lord Jesus Christ our deliverer our redeemer our slvation our true God and eternal life. LOrd brign my mother and my dad out of the devils grasp. lead them in the way he way in the nameo fthe Lord Jseus Christ. By force even Lord force them to serv eonly YOu Lord. for only YOu are the way truth and life. may the be never decieved again. may they follow you and giv etheir lives ot you only i pray this ove rmyself and all poeple. sa well. Lord take control over the peopel of the whole world. save all souls and dleive rus form every spirit of idolatry. forgive my sisn Lord. dleiver me also form witchcraft and all generational curses please Lord Jesus Christ for YOurs is the kIngdom the power and the glory i belogn to YOu. Lord remove all generational curses form my fmily bloodlien forever including generation curse sin relationshsips health marriages. all generational curses destroy in my life and all lives forever. please rmeove all generational curses form my life forever Lord in the nameof the Lord Jeus Christ. I also ask Lor dif anyone is doign eany evil against me or my fmaily in anyway please rmeove the evil doing form our lives forevr. no weapon formed agaisnt us prosper. protect all amrriage form the devil form witshccraft form idolatry. please remove the devil our otf my huabdn life ( YOu Knwo who He is Lord. ) i ask that you do all in your power to destry the workd of the devil in my life and int my fmailys life. pelase destroy the works of the devils in my whole fmaily's life. protect us with the covenant of YOur OSnt he Lord Jeus Christ and His HOly Blood. may the HOly blood protec tus form all evil and evil doers form whichcrdaft form evil spirit.s pelas eprtoec tmy husband form all witshc craft form alle ivl spirits form deception form false Gods idolatry nd expose the devils lies to HIma dn me. Join us Lord by the powe rof YOur HOly spiti for us to become one falesh in Christ. ONe in Chirst oNe flehs in Christ and One SPirit One baptisms and oNe fiath inCHritrt. i pray this for all marriages as well. no strage marriages on the planet. no ungodly idolatry marriage son this planet. i reject the devil out of al mariage as. may all marriages by grounded in love In GOd ( Love) in Christ ( everlasitgn covanant ) HIS HOly bllood( everlasting covenant) Lord i ask ma all marriges be God honourign in YYour sight. mayy the deivl break no marriage apart.. Lord dleiver my marraige to my husband )( you know who He is forma ll eil. no evil in my marriage in our lives. deliver us form all evil by the hOly blood of Chirst. Lord protect my husbnd formt ehe enmy . join us to gether help us hel us rrestore ous and join us tobeocme one flesh in one baptisms ( iN Christ in one faith ( complelte devotion to our Lrd Jeus Christ To Do HiWIll at al times. MAy the devil not tsake away that blongs to us ( our One flehs marriage unity equally yoked in Christ. No weapon formed against my husband propsper . no weapon formed in his fmialy prosper. No generation curse prosper in his life or mine. We are free new creature sin Christ Lord join me to the one Husband in the Lord the One I was made form You made me from my husbandβs rib Lord join me to my husband by Your Holy Spirit. I call upon You Lord You are able to do this.. Destroy whatever is preventing this form happening now and for Good. Lord deliver rus form alle vil. deliver me form all that is not your Will Lord, Only Your Will be done Lord. Deliver me and my husband and all people orm all unclean spirits. Please Lord i ask that you destroy the work of the devil in my husbandβs life in every way. Please reveal yourself to my husband Lord Jesus Christ Your Will For HIs life. reveal to my husband Lord that i amnd only I am HIS wife that You made for Him. Please put all your holy angels protecting out ours mind thoughts attitudes action intention toward one another. make us one flesh in every way You: it is You that make us One flesh. Your Will be ALWAYS doen in our lives in our marriage in our finances in our relationships. Nothing out of your Will Your Will in our intimacy our desires our attrition for each other. be glorified in our marriage and may our marriage bring much much fruit to Your Kingdom and even you. I command nothing hinder this prayer no devil or evil doer in the name o f the Lord Jeus Christ. LOr d remove al unclean spirits form me and my husband. delive rus form eevry thign that could hurt us in anyway. please dleive r us, never allow anything to break our love for each other and our marriage ceovnant with each other and You Lord dleive rus our marriage remove also all toxic relationships influences eivl doers any thing or anyone that could harm or ur marriage. do not aloow any devil or evil doer to destroy me or my husband please Lor din the namoe fhte Lord Jeus Chirst. keep us away dorm evil doers. elt no evil doers come near us Lord or influence us in anyway. put your holy blood on us at all times. no evil come upon us eve rour our marriage or our families. please destroy the works of the deivl in our live sin every way. do not let anyone under demonic poession come near us . destroy the deiv l our of all people and rmove the deivl out of all poele and and all unclean spitis remove from us. Ephesians 6:12
King James Version12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Lord please compellte remove all principalities that may be ruling over us that is form the devil deliver us from our ransgressions form our sins. dleive rlal people from especially my marriage and my family and all people your church deliver us Lor din the nameof the Lord Jesus Christ form exactly what You mean Lord i n this. deliver us compelltey form these things βfrom principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.β
Form our lives remove all harmful influence form our lives. forevr in the nameo fhte Lord Jesus Christ. . protects and delivers and removes Lord from evil doers and anyhtign that would tear us apart in ay shap e or form any destroy s .permantley deliver r us form all evil people evil doers that prevent us form beign together Lord. donβt aloow and evil in our lives no devil rule ove me and my husabdn our marriage in any way shape oru form. Lord no devil in our families no devil ruling over us. only Chris trule over us with His Holy blood. Lord you out ruel the devil. All power is Yours. pleas eortoect my life form the deivl. protect my parents and family formt he devil in evry way Lord. forgive our isns with your Holy covenant Blood thank OYu for your blood. hela us with your stripes and dleive rus form all evil. lea dus not into temptation but deliver us form all evil. For Your is the Kingd dom he Glory the power forevr always Your Lord Jues Christ. may all my fmialy memebry be obedient sheep only hearing and listening to your voice. no strange voice no evil voic ebe heard in our ears Lord Onyl You at all times only You. dleive rus form everything that oyuld defile us in anyway please Lord dleive rus form everything that could defiel us in any way. dleive rus form all uncleanness unholiness. forgive our sisn and do not allow the devil to steal form us destroy us or or lie to us in anyway. i pray htis well ove rlal people. protect all flesh and their hearts form f ormt he evil on today and always in your Holyn name the name above all names int he nameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirs.t teach us clearly the way we should go. donβt allow the deivl to destroyanoen Lord save all sousl . lead us into the way of life everlasitgn thank You lord JeusChirst an dpelase dleive rus form all evil. By You Holy Blod and power Lord Jeus Christ . thank OYu frever. You are our Savior deliver redeemer. redeem verythign in my life that the devil has stolen in my life destroye din my life and expose ALLL the lies o fthe deivl to me and my family. remove all flehs eating bacteria and disease form mylife an dmy family life. please fprgive my transgressions. deliver me and my husband form all delives that cuas eof to be overworked. i pray this for all people too. please please help us become one flesh in Chirst only Lord. please thank you. Him dwelling wiht me in the place God want sus ot be. i command all( demons)and unclean spirits that ar ecasuing hell in our lives ot leave forever int he name fth the Lord Jesus Christ. all demons and unclean spirits hleave this planet leave the people in every way int he nameo fthe Lord Jesus Christ. Should go. bless her protect her from all evil. and please help me to know when to obey her and when no to. For i only obey oyu my Lord Jesus Christ. Bring me into he full obedience to your word. For your are my God and for you are my Savior . MY God in whom I trust.
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