Beloved of All
askign God to please hela me of type 1 diabetes and also my teeth severe dehydraiotn kidneys my blood bitterness sadness dissapoitnemnt. Lor dowulliek my won husband pela sperovid efor his needs an dmine and oru needs. pleasehela my grandma who ha sbeen bedridden 7 years. help me care of rher pleas ehal my mom of asperger syndorm and possibly my brother. please guid emy borthe rna dhis wife my da dmy mom B Béela Vilike all fmaiyl mmebrers iwht the powe rof oyu rHoly spirit Lor dpelas encourage em to ekeep goign im weak pelase help Lor idm weary tire thirsty feel alone. pelas ehal my od diabetes idnispidus and my grandma too help em care of rmy grandma pelas eprovid emovibel ebd before friday. pelase heal my bodyplease ldiever em and my fmaiyl of al emtbaolic disorder pselase giv eoyu rdsalvaiotnto al prleas eprotect all my fmaiyl form eveil. pelase also protect B form all evil. Lor di would liek to initimately knwo you and serve oyu. pleas ebless me like jabez. bless al lpeopel likfe jabez.Lord estbalish my thoughts my life teahc me your wys keep me in your will and ma yi know the love oyu have for me. ithanky ou for la proviision for my life. pelase Lor dhelp me wiht my emotions. help em wiht dpersisona nd this severe dehydraiton also help al my fmialy wiht htis and all peope. pelase be witht hat perosn and .B heal both of them Lor dmay they knwo the pwoe rof the lor dJeus Chirs thelaing salvaiotn and love. i also pray fo rthat man and all peopel for their slavaiton Lord. please speka ot me Lor dma yi knwo you im weary Lor dsav eme have mercy. dleiver me form all resentment jelously anger. i need oyu rhelp int his Lor di feel liek my lif eiy so drypleas elgivign me living waters guid eme into al truht. Lor dtell me your plans for my life. i feel so tire.d pelas ehal my kisneys and Grandés kidneys help me find the perfect whells for th eboar dpelase Lord and dleiver me formalle ivl. pelase join me and my husband to be one flesh in your appoitned time keep us faiht fully dign your will Lord and be faithful to one another as husband and wife.pelas emak eit a very happy devine initmae conneciton that is romanic funa nd very lovign an fkind forver love joiend by Chirs tby th epowe rof HIs Holy spirit. to OYu be the glory. Lor dheal my parents bless my parents hela my brothe rof histmian intolernac ebless hiima nd his wife and hcidl and miracuously provid eof rlal their needs. may they ahve wonderufl tim with their baby girl as wlel in Ungar. yprotect them form alle ivl and eivl doers and protect them form covid. PLor dpelas eprotect B and his friend form all evil hela them may the power of the hOly spirit ocme upon theirs motuhs ehal them and may they belvie in CHirst. pleas ehal Vilike and my moma nd all fmaily memebrs neurlogically emotionally intelelctually boens teeht all dentla flehs organs will htought semotions please dleiver my parents form al osteoposisi bitterness emotional problems or immaturity. hela them sttenghtne thenand may they truly knwo oyu Lor dmy i truly knwo you. Lor dguid ieme into all truth. help em to keep goign. pelas ehla Grandé form dementia fluide buildup problems small bowel obsturciton syndorm. pelase may she have excellent digestion wiht no mal absorbstion please dlieverhtis world form coronavirus all pestilence all eivl. pelase hela all eldery ll diasbleedblidn death pelas ehal al lwho have diabetes 1 dn diabete sisnipidus and cancer please dleive rall peopel form bitterness anger flesh eatign acteria. please reveal your lvoe fo rmLord. please guid eme wih oyu rhOly psirit. Please dleiver em form fancign that boy.. if iH ei snot my husband. pleaetell me who my husband is Lord please dleiver me form jeluls y and weakness. pleas ehlp Krod. im wearyim thirty and itred. save me lor dalso provide best wheels best mobiel bed for my grandma so we can go outside. please strenghtne heal her Lord Jes Christ ma you surrouns me and my fmaily and all poepel wiht oyu rpresenc ein a ver ypowerful way. pelase dleiver lal peopel who feel hopeless to hav ehope in YOu Lord. please dleiver the hungry wiht proper food and nutriiton. pelase dliever the poor form overty please dleiver the addicted form addicions. please dliever the depressed lsad lonely form sadness lonliness and depression. pelase provide the firendships oyu want to those who are alonely. pelas eput the lonely in fmailies. please brign helaing to thos ewho ar ein hospital. pelase gid ela peopel with oyu rholy spiirit help us al do oyur WIll and knwo yu Lord. please make my path straigh tlet me knwo who i am in Chirs twhat my role isin this lfie i pryo u also let al poepel know this as well coneernign them. in thenamoe fthe LOr dJeu sChris.t please tell my husbadn who ever H is Lor dofrm you God i love him so dearly and may he pelase find me Lor djoin us at he appointed itmes. hela him if He need shelaign please giv ehim great wisodma nd myself too and all peopel. hela my dad sheart valv eheal BVIlike of all heal th issue shelp us get in contect iwht him pelas eprovide best care for him help him ein every way. please send trilliosn of holy angels ot ministe rto all poeple. in thenamoe dthe Lor dJeus Chirs ti pra. have merc yforigve my sisn. iplead the holy blod of Christ upon myself my fmaily husband all our poession htoguths actions sset us all free form every evil thought adn motive and may we always make the irght descicion accoridng o oyur perfect will. i pray htis of rla lpoepel. i prleade oyu holy blodo upon this prayer. i plead your blessing liek oyu blessed JAbez Lor dover me y life my husbands life, Bs life his firend slife my husbands fmaiyl life my fmaiyllives.. mymarriage union to the HUsband yu have chosen Lord. please protec otur hoems posessoin finances health formall evil our minds too please giv eme a sound mind mind your fmavou your dleiveranc eofmr all eivl YOur blessings Lor dupon me my husband our union the churhc my fmialy husband form the Lord fmaily al popele, pelas ehal us allby oyur stries Lord Jeu sChirst saveus all redeem my life form all destruction Lord pelase and al peopel o in thenamoef th Lord Jeus Christ send urgent help to my grandma save andheal her and her fmaiyl in thenameof thr LOr dJeu sChirs.t pleas eprotec my dad and all poepel form accidents death calamits from the deivl in everyway. may we alwys see htoguth the traps of the enemy lead u s not into tempation and dleiver us form all evil in thenameof the Lord Jeus Chirs ti pray for devine protection in everyway over myelf grandma paetrnts protehte rhis wife and hcild. pleas ehal dleive rus form all of themenemies traps Lor dint henamoe dthe Lor dJue sCHirst help us al peolase. in thenamoe dthe Lord Jeus Christ.