Beloved of All
askign God to bless everoyne today. Lor dif you are willlign give me my own husband today. also pelsae dtake aw all coveotusness idolatry. im depressed because life is very hard for me and its hard to rejoice. Lord today pelas make this day good ooen for us all. bless my fmaily with mro eof oyur love and favour. ive been depresse dlonely for decades i odnt knwo how to keep goign every day i have to force mysefl to keep goign. pelase help me out so nto everyhtign of a force fo rme and ymf maily. set of free form the deivl and hela us giv eus abudnant life also for my brothe rand wife andkids too. Lord im jelous that yougner woemn have kids husbands and ims tuck with mental and physcial illness cairgn for peopele wh are ill and its been for many years. havent lef the hosu ein years. pelase come into my lif eoday Lord and help me rearrange my life thats it ajoy to lvie and serve oyu. please giv eme a good break. im out of control inside help me out. please i want to giv eup. please help heal my mom teeth. Lor dit sht esame prayrs year after year day after day. its never any joy in my life. im sorry for my sisn but i would rathe rdie if nothgin gets better.pelas ehal my cry giv eme joy Lor dlike never before int hename of the Lord Jeus Chirs.t ipray the same for my fmaily fmemebers and for all people.