Beloved of All
askign for urgent goignt hrough vry didfficutl time an di jsut woudl anyhtign for God to help em i so tired,.. i odtn even want exprlain buts urgent. im haivng extremel yhar ditme as im cosntantly overworked allt he tiem and i cananot hav esoem quiet tiem for yeveral years. my mother has asperger syndorm and i jsut alway shave to help her and my grnadm is ebdriddenim alway shelping fmaiyl and i oculd t concentrate an di thign i may have broke our new wsher dryer i dudi tnot knwo soem carboard thign needs to go itnsid eht emachien i can tfind a phoen numebr for the custorer service i emailed them but dotn knwo when and if they reply and i dotn even knwo fi i emaield the right perosn.ia sk God to pelase interve in my lfie .i ebg himw ith ll my soul imy situateion fs very hard. i woudl liek eought toie to jsut rink wate.r my grandma is very ver yill and am havign a har ditme cairng for her. and my moma ll yb myslef i feel so aloen Lor di i odtn kwno i deserv ehtis but pelas eforgiv em sisn . ir elaly pelas ebeg you im so tireed. Please no more verbal abuse form relativ ei am so drianed. Lor dpelas eocm einto my lfie i am sorry. pelase God forgiv em pelas ei need oyu ot send em any angel cocnenrign this problem i dotn kwno who to contac ti dotn wanna spend somcu tiem on this washe rdryer htign im exhauste id begy ou lrod Jues Chirs thave emrc yi dontna yelly but pelas eplea sie beg you pelas help em i beg you wiht lal ym entire beign pleas ethis is so har dpelase hela my of type diabetes and take awy corona virus and my phobia forever pelas ehla my fmaily form all all illness Lor dpela salmighty God have mercy and elp me i jsut dotn knwo whow beg any mroe Pleas ei beg you . maybe soemone who has faith . pelas eno mroe wrath ims o titred pleas eJeus HElp me i beg youpleas ehelp i dontn wanna be aloen anymor eOSXMEON EHEKP ME PLASE