Disciple of Prayer
praise to you Lord Jeus Chirst for oyur salvation and helaign even now oyu are helaign my teeth Praise report! thanky ou Lord dleive rme pelase form anxieties and phobia snot in your will. i aks oyu remove covid and also glass shard isn clothign obession phpbias. i need to foccus on my grandma nd now worried abotu clothes. help em clena the lcothes giv em wisdom. take awy this anxiety once and for all.t hanky ou for neve rleavign mro or forsakign me. i pra you giv em wisodm how to treat granmy stye infesciton infeciotn in body urinary tract infection .t ake away all disease that is keepign her bed boudn thnak you for oyu rprays Godbels al heal all.Lor remvoe all cancer andincurbale diseases form all peope l detach us form hositng to demons. giv eus all lov epower soudn minfd. help me to seve oyu whoel heartedly. thanky ou. also giv e all epoel wisodm and the help they need to doYOur Will . in the anme of the lord Jeus Chirs ti pray. please bless myparent siwht logn health yhappy life lovign lives God lovign feirng and servign and worshiping. please also do this for lalepoel. please take away all anxiety pelase fix boiler please giv em wisodm in all areas dof my lfie and the sttrenght ot hear obey and do your WIll. ipray this for allpeople. please d o all in your power to heal al my fmaiylmebr and allepoel and dleive rus form all demons all unclena spirit sthat prevent us form glorifying and serivng the and lovign the Lord Jeus CHirs tand turly knowign him. please make a way for this for lalpeople. pleasemom help me clean house peae provide wisdom how to clean slothes and everythign thank oyu and please pray for mom nee dhealign she fell and she nee dhealign brian and grandm anee dhealin highblood sugar highblood pressure bedemntia small bowel obstruciton syndorm. da dneed helaign for heart valve and inee dhelign diabetes diabetsin sinipidus possibel tumor need heaign osteoprisis fmiyl need healign of teeht B too and need B need dleiveranc eform smokign and alchahlism. dad heart valve need healign and emotionally too mom need helaign more healign brtoher need healign heart mrumeur possibly asperger snydrom V need healign of autism and i pray for pierre nee dhelaign an dhelp dleivwrnace we need God protection form accident death and callmitiy Béla nee dhelaign of heart valve. ipwould liek Chirstin a who loves ot make eye ocntact cuddle and make s me feel iek a queen an di pra yi bess him liek no one. i asjk all this nthenameof the Lord Jesus Christ.