Beloved of All
Praise report: Yesterday after many years of sufferign from soem kind of flesh eatign bacteria ( deformed drie dup bones) mythe Lor dmiracuoulsy put my jaw in a positiont hat is so much mroe comfortable.i am so grateful. i am stil suffeirng form this severe dehydration ( high blood sugar issue insulinr esusistance? grandma suffeirng simiarproblem)please pray y dad has helaignin his heart the Lord is close to him and binds up his wounds.i also pray that he Lor dheals mymom of asperger sndorme and also heals hr form bitterness andal ucnlean spisirts. askign God to remove all evil spirits curses genraitonal curses away form my fmaily and myslf and B and myhuby formt eh Lord whoever he is. aksing God to join me wiht my husband whom God has ordained me for at HIs item andGod helps us sta yin HIs WIl only. aksign God for helaign f my dads health flsh belsses my dad heals himf orm root caus eof dehyration heal shimf orm depression and heal him form lonliness. pelas eprovide helaign to his entire heart an dbeign Lor dbles shim with his own place keep him warm fo rheis homless. pelase provie a menas inw hich YOu Lord Faher provide fo rme an income of my own otha ti dont need tomooch oof my fmiyl. if you are wilign.pelase speka to me cnernign how i cna make money in a decent God honourign way. help me tithe. help em or dot go to churhc dleivr me form fear sphobias germs dirt phobia ocntmaination phobias. peas hela al whohas mental physcisal disorder pelase hal all dehydration issues in my fmaiyl pease frigv emy sins and dleive rme form them by the power of your HOly blood. pleas ehlp me pay bills today witcness your goodness clean fee dmy grandma be good tomy moma nd help her. helpme not take thought for my life. pelas ebrign me into my promise dland and ll my fmaiyl too. help me t o not get out of your WIl. guid eme teahc me and make me aple of your eye. same iwht lalepoel. dleiver lal those form leprosy cancer bliness heal al thos ehwo need thos ein authority wit oyur holy spisirt. pelas eprovide clthignt o grandma and giv em wisodm how to car eofr her. pelase odnt elt stres ge to me. pelas eprovide me a liitle home of my won pelase giv em husband whoeevr is wisodmform the Lord the salvaiton of God and HOly pirit. if Bis myhuband make it ocnfrimed pelase odnt l the deivl dtrick me Lord. pelase speka ot me help em dryw nar to oyu. take awa yll anxiety thought ove rmy life. pleas eha BΓ©las heart valve Γ©relmeszeszedΓ©s.touchhimw ihtthe helaign he needs. pelase let the best be yet to come in my lfi and fmaiyl. hela all those hwo need helaign do allin your powrt o hal those hwo need healign peas ehal and save u ll. gudie me wiht oyur Hoyl spsiirt Lord nd heal my chign heart help me find find grandm smediciton help em wiht invtion i want patnent so i can eaisly patent in not expeniseve pelase an dput it in market if oyu re willign.Lor dpleas efill em for i feel empty. hela my grandma and giv em the irght suppontrt i need. same iwht lal fmaily memebrs. hela my da dheal him dleive hrim form allworry fear stres touch his heart may he powerfully encoutner oyu Lord oyur helaign powr and lvoe Lord Jeus chirst same wiht all fmaily memebrs rlaitve dleive rus ofrm allevil and destory the works of the divl. all prais ehonor and glro ygoes ot you fther. pelase teahc us gui eus to od oyur will. may today be a day fileld wiht joy lkughter mriacle sliek we have neevr experienced in aholy wayGod protct us form evil accidnt clamites and hel our bodies make us health and whole. dleiver me form the devil in every wy. form phobias ungodly habits i need oyu rhelp Lor dot obver come. i needoyur Wor i need hope in OYu Lord. please let the best be yest o ocm hep em care ofrmy grandma. dleive rme form crushe dspirit thnakyu for oyurmriacle splease fdot he same for lalmy fmialymembrs. gfigv eus joy merry heartcalm happy relaxed liek neevr ebfor egiv em wisdom help em find oyu and obey oyu Lor dput me thank you for your fhelaign mercy andlove. let me onyl thigkt he thougths oyu want me to think i pray htis for llpeoel. dleive rem for anxiety dlive rmy mom form anxeity depresion.bless my ptnes for ehad to to toe insid eout with hte best widom youth rstore dhelaht new sharp teeth renew the spirito f htie rmidns. elp them to do oyur willa dnot waste tie.deive rme for vnait.yhlp em clen house care fo rmy fmaiyl n fidn joy in serivn gyou Lor.d thnak yufor antoher ay help me pay all the bills that need to be payed help em not to be lonely. brign me the joyof oyur salvaiton. hela my dad sheart valv ewsethim free form the devil heal him restore him. please healmy mosm ehart .gi ehr hope rstored. dleiver me please ofrm diabetes insipidus and root cause therof and same iwh tmy grandm,.dleiver me form emtbaolic acidosis and the root caus ethros dleiver me form coventousness and discontent ment aqnd the orot cuase therod. forgiv emy sisn make it so i am at peac eiwh touy Lord an dlalepoel do a inyor power to do this an dpeac eiwht myself. i plead oyu blod upon me and my fmaiyl touch an drestor emy grandm athank you for nice bowl movments giv her strgnth helaign heale deyes and healed flehs and grea tmod and storng will to live and great mood touch her Lord by your Hoyl sspirit an dhela her and all dmfaiyml viliek. ehall al thwo has aspegr yndorm or autism hal nd lvier us fus all formalunclean spirits. prise be to OYu r name.