Beloved of All
ase hal my bod ymy vision my eyes teeht. pelase take me away ofrm my mother. pelase no mroe bause. pelase n mroe abuse pleas eproivede me my own little hom please 1 bedroom one bathroon thats it pleas epleas eprovid emye a liitle safe hoem of my on one bedroon one bathroonplease lord please provid eme one little bedroom one little bath room my own indeprandant pelace owudl be a drea. pleas ei ask in hename of the Lord Jue sChirs.t pleas my own pleas pleas egiv eme my own little hoem one bedroom one bathroom no abusers no one hurtign me agian. pelas eprovide me a room and a bathroom indepandnat of fmaily i woudl liek my own space .pelase have emrc yhtis is my dream. no mansion nothign fanc yjsut my own little tiny house wher ei can jsut be. nor ats or evil. blesse dhome pleasse. please also no evil mean neighbours. please hoem giv em a hoem where im happy .pleas emy dream ahoem a life where im happy pelas egiv em my husn christian non abusive husband who cotnrlsl me soemoen who lvoves me dearly and ownt yell at em to constantly clena. my dream make it happayn Lor dpelas ei want my own little hoem please safe place. my own hoem a lif ei love . please and helaht happy bod yno hirsutism no diabetes no diabetetc 1 por dibetes insipidus no mentla problems no phobias my dream healthy happy no devil pleas emak eit happed Lord heal no mro fighitgn in fmaiyl feacrespect. please giv em my own safe place a hoem fo my own a little house Lor di dotn knwo what to do. as i really hate the lfi egiven to me. i want to be free form ym fmaily. please pravide my safe hoem a safe plac eno mroe abuse . i dont want anymor eabuseplease id ather die than be abused. i dotn want to be abused anymre. mayeb oen day ill be free.. oh if only i coudl be free....... i wish i coudl have my own tiny lieetl eohoem 1 bedroom one bathroom no abusers no mroe anyoen yellign at my clena clena clena clena clenac. when do i die.. os i can eb free of abuse. Lord hwo coudl i eer be free. will i eve rbe free Lord will ieve rbe free. when will i be free. no mroe bause. no mroe abuse please. if possibel. i hav eno belivfef int hat . help my if oyua re willing. make me a HAPPY mothe rof children in my own own giv em the desire ot clen csause i hate it.. pLor dim lost... where is the joy. pelas ehal Bs heart and heal V too. Im so exhyuste.d Lord cani i soem rest toda