We are not going to heaven because we shared Jesus with millions of people, nor for our good deeds done to the poor and needy. We are going to heaven because our deep faith in Jesus just like the thief on the cross. He said.
Lord, remember me when you get into Your kingdom.
Luke 23.42
I know that you have gone to heaven right away because Jesus has promised us a home in glory. I know that you are waiting for me to come in and live with the Lord forever. I know that this life we live right now is a stopping place, a pause in what is going to be. A resting place along the road, to sweet eternity. We must ascend, not descend. When we seek the Lord and do His will, we are ascending to His holy throne. When we sin and do evil against others, we are descending into hells burning fire. Keep up the faith. Keep your eyes on Jesus. He is the Door we must enter in.
Our destination is a place far greater than we know. For some this journey is quicker and for some the journey is slow and when the journey finally ends, a great reward will be given to all of us who loved the Lord and obeyed His word. Everlasting peace and joy we will find together with the Lord.
To die with the Lord is gain.
Phil. 1.19
Lord, remember me when you get into Your kingdom.
Luke 23.42
I know that you have gone to heaven right away because Jesus has promised us a home in glory. I know that you are waiting for me to come in and live with the Lord forever. I know that this life we live right now is a stopping place, a pause in what is going to be. A resting place along the road, to sweet eternity. We must ascend, not descend. When we seek the Lord and do His will, we are ascending to His holy throne. When we sin and do evil against others, we are descending into hells burning fire. Keep up the faith. Keep your eyes on Jesus. He is the Door we must enter in.
Our destination is a place far greater than we know. For some this journey is quicker and for some the journey is slow and when the journey finally ends, a great reward will be given to all of us who loved the Lord and obeyed His word. Everlasting peace and joy we will find together with the Lord.
To die with the Lord is gain.
Phil. 1.19