Beloved Servant
As an update to my prayer request from yesterday for my niece Kelly. Thanks to all who have prayed and are praying. Just today my sister's boyfriend (they dated long distance for a year) broke up with her calling her terrible names. It was a very dysfunctional relationship (instable personalities, alcoholism etc.) but the one good thing was that my sister was somewhat more stable towards my niece. When she is in a relationship the inner turmoil is focused primarily on the relationship. Based on past experience when there were relationship break-ups my sister will now completely loose it and act out. Please urgently pray for Kelly to be protected and moreover for this to be a catalyst for change for the better instead of for worse. Please pray that Jesus will use this as a turning point for my sister. I don't know how and I know I need to pray for calm because I am constantly worried for Kelly. I went to the authorities years ago with Kelly's dad but called them back when they wanted to visit my sister because unless they took Kelly away from my sister Kelly would only end up loosing us (my sister would forbid contact) and would be alone enduring my sister's mood swings. And in my sister's good times she is loving towards Kelly. Its just the constant tension that one never knows when she might swing the other way. Its completely unpredictable and the things she says and does then are so mean and so destructive its unbelievable and a six year old child has no way to cope with that like an adult can and even adults are overwhelmed. Please pray for an intervention now.