We know that there will be certain signs to look for in the last days.But what I notice, and would think it's not a coincidence,is that things seem to be happening more "suddenly', and more frequently, then in the past.In the past{not so much as "recent past" , like 10 years ago]things happened, changed, etc. but there seemed to be more of a gap in between, and/or they changed more slowly,or not in as many categories at once.Also, as the past, someone might have been into an ongoing sin, like I've known people into the occult,for many years, and "back then", they may have had a little"grace period" where they went on for those years with a fairly stable life.Lately, I notice some of them get some health issue and die. {That could have happened in the past, too, but again, it seems to be happening with more "frequency" now. }We know certain things will increase in the last days,like earthquakes.{"There will be earthquakes in diverse places"} Doesn't mean there weren't earthquakes "way back",just they're happening more frequently now.Strife between countries.{"Nation will rise against nation"}Along with those "birth pangs" signs, does this "speeding up" of things in general have to do with the last days? I would think so.There could be a {kind of}"quiet period" for a while,then quite suddenly you hear on the news something happened. Coincidence?I don't think so.
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