One thing about "the world" is, once something takes hold, you get swamped with it and never stop hearing about it,And although I'm proud to say I've always had a mind of my own and don't play "follow the leader",practically everyone else I see and hear , DOES play follow the leader,the "leader" being the current "in thing''. Like yoga. Every time there's a story about a person who became a little famous, giving their details it comes out--"In her spare time she does yoga." And so does this one, and that one, and this one and that one,until I think I'm the only person in the world who DOESN'T do yoga. Even weight loss. Sure, people eat wrong. gain weight,etc. BUT I'm talking about weight loss as a fad, and taken to extremes, like people who are normal weight brainwashed by society to think they're fat, and many going to extremes and getting anorexia. Why? Because the worldly trend tells them to. And the thing of it is in the past one culture did one thing, and you would go somewhere else they would have individuality and do otherwise.Nowadays with mass media everyone gets "taken in by" these trends, to the point of being obssessed about it,The latest is coronavirus. You bring up about one subject, and they bring it around to coronavirus.So on a spiritual level.what's the harm in being obsessed with something?Well, here it is--if our mind is supposed to be on God, and we're obsessed with the latest trend ,the time we're "obsessing" over that,our mind is focused on the latest worldly fad and not God.Also, who sent these trends, God? NO! They're worldly. And isn't that the work of the devil his job, to keep unsaved people{and Christians to some extent}focused on other things?"Love not the world, or the things in the world."See what I mean? Is God your God. or Elvis? Trends come and go."The world and it's desires are passing away,but he who does the will of the Father abideth forever."Amen.