So I saw my therapist today and realized that my anxiety hasn't really gone away. That during this time with the divorce being finalized, my house in limbo, my husband not responding, is not the time to try to go off my medication.
Lord, help me to remember that You are there for me, and that you provide medical intervention when we need it. Lord I pray that you will help me out of this funk that I am in. Help me to not be anxious, depressed, and obsessed about every little thing. Lord help me to remember to LET GO AND LET GOD....let YOU handle it for me!!!!
Thank you God, in Your Holy Name,
Lord, help me to remember that You are there for me, and that you provide medical intervention when we need it. Lord I pray that you will help me out of this funk that I am in. Help me to not be anxious, depressed, and obsessed about every little thing. Lord help me to remember to LET GO AND LET GOD....let YOU handle it for me!!!!
Thank you God, in Your Holy Name,