Good Sabbath Day People of God!
God doesn't even hear the prayers of the wicked, let alone answer them. But, Here's what I have found out: I have found out that there are two things that God simply cannot ignore: a humbled heart, and a contrite (repentant) spirit. THANK YOU LORD.
I am so very grateful that God, not only heard my prayer, but He answered my prayer, on behalf of the city of Houston, on August 29, 2017 and, shortly thereafter, after five days of none-stop rain, not only did the rain stop; but, at the time of day when the sun should've been going down, it actually came out [Houston Harvey Prayer]. I wouldn't have wanted it attributed to my record any other way. I would much rather be guilty of praying for someone, than punitively seeking "my own" vengeance against them.
Even so, even as a city, sometimes you have to go through the process to get to the promise. Can somebody say Canaan?
God doesn't even hear the prayers of the wicked, let alone answer them. But, Here's what I have found out: I have found out that there are two things that God simply cannot ignore: a humbled heart, and a contrite (repentant) spirit. THANK YOU LORD.
I am so very grateful that God, not only heard my prayer, but He answered my prayer, on behalf of the city of Houston, on August 29, 2017 and, shortly thereafter, after five days of none-stop rain, not only did the rain stop; but, at the time of day when the sun should've been going down, it actually came out [Houston Harvey Prayer]. I wouldn't have wanted it attributed to my record any other way. I would much rather be guilty of praying for someone, than punitively seeking "my own" vengeance against them.
Even so, even as a city, sometimes you have to go through the process to get to the promise. Can somebody say Canaan?
I speak about the response that I have received in Houston because they're so eerily and scripturally accurate to God’s predictions if how they would react. Stlll, shame on my hometown for being of so little faith as to brazenly engage in ungodly, ritualistic, foolishness, while, as is written in Ezekiel, God allows other cities to walk away with the blessings that should have been theirs. Instinctively, I was just trying to keep them from destroying their own city; again, "as it is written," they will do because of the very same foolish rebellion. The LORD rebuke the foolishness. In Jesus' name. Amen.
