One disturbing habit I see that most people{even some Christians} have is making scapegoats. People don't like to take responsibility for their own role in something,or maybe they don't want to admit something painful to them, so they play the "blame game".It's "so and sos" fault.Started in the Garden of Eden. When God confronted Adam, he said,"The woman gave me, and I ate."{GAVE HIM, didn't FORCE him. He knew Gods instructions yet ate the fruit. And Eve, "the serpent mislead me, and I ate."The serpent misled, but again, Eve had instructions from God,she CHOSE to listen to the snake.{Satan}Noone forced anyone, but yet they avoided their own responsibility for what they did.So sometimes guilt causes someone to "make excuses" by telling someone to look at another to take the blame off of them. Sometimes there's even SOME truth to what they're saying, but not to the EXTENT they're saying it.I see everyone blaming everyone else, to make themselves feel better about themselves falling short. I hear women constantly blaming everything on men.They may have met a few bad men, but all of a sudden, men become the Ultimate Scapegoat for everything.Since I as a man I haven't done what they disdainfully accuse "all" men of doing, I had to remind them of that a few times.Also,black people need to learn that every time a white person disagrees with them on any tiny issue,isn't "rascism".And politics.Whenever a person has financial issues, it's{according to them}because "the Republicans are hoarding the money."And knocking a current president is a popular one.George Bush made a dumb mistake turning his attention to Iraq instead of where Bin Laden was.But then it got to the point where he was blamed for EVERTHING,. If a fly landed on someones picnic hamburger, it was George Bushs fault.And of course, now with Trump. Being a president gets you blamed for things you had nothing to do with.Now why all this scapegoating?I think it's because it makes people feel "better' about their circumstances, if they place the blame on another.{Similar to a punching bag.}BUT, is this a Christian attitude? I somehow don't think so. If we're not to judge even when it's obvious someone did wrong, wouldn't it be moreso if you throw mud at a whole {race, gender, or blame the"current president" for EVERYTHING?} I somehow don't think the blame game, and scapegoating are Gods way.More like a work of the flesh.How about you?