We shall raise up to heaven. Wherever we are going to be buried or cremated Jesus will raise us all up and fly away to heaven and be with the Lord for eternity. This is our wonderful hope we have in the Lord. All men and women who love the Lord should expect and wati for this to happen in the future. For certain, Jeesus will come back again to this earth with great power and great glory and raise the dead from their graves and if we are alive and expect His arrival, then we shall see him with our own eyes and hear beautiful songs of praise to the Lord. He is coming for you and for me.
Listen, I will tell you a mystery.
We will not all asleep but we will all be changed.
In an instant, in a twinkling of an eye.
At the last trumphet.
For the trumphet shall sound,
And the dead will be raised uncorruptible.
And we will be changed.
I Cor. 15.52
We bless You Father. You really care for us in this life we are living right now and will care for our own future. Yes, it is impossible to raise someone from the dead, but Jesus can do the impossible. Believe, trust and wait for the Lord always.
Listen, I will tell you a mystery.
We will not all asleep but we will all be changed.
In an instant, in a twinkling of an eye.
At the last trumphet.
For the trumphet shall sound,
And the dead will be raised uncorruptible.
And we will be changed.
I Cor. 15.52
We bless You Father. You really care for us in this life we are living right now and will care for our own future. Yes, it is impossible to raise someone from the dead, but Jesus can do the impossible. Believe, trust and wait for the Lord always.