Beloved of All
Am 9 and half months pregnant and my husband left this house in this condition it's going to be a month now my husband z a big smoker and a drunkard he stolen my mom lots of money I love him to the core I don't know how am going to bring up my children and no money for my delivery and nobody z near me for my delivery mom n dad have to take care of my first kid lord your my only hope,the place where I am working I have to get releaved from 1st of next month how my family going to manage everything ,give me good hike in salary so that I can bring my children up in a good way and support my family financially, my mom from childhood used to curse me am like her younger sister who spoiled her own life n married a drunkard , lord what she cursed me that happened in reality , be with my kids ,I love my husband a lot , since he cheated me I have to protect my children from him and my heart z also not willing to accept him , how can a man leave his pregnant wife and go that too delivery can be of any time , lord bless my parents n daughter n my unborn child to have a long life in Jesus name I want miracle,