God has chosen America to be a light to shine all over the world telling those lost souls to come to Jesus and be saved. Obeying the voice of the Lord. Go ye therefore unto all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. The Pilgrims and the Puritans knew this very well and gave America to God almighty to be a blessing to everyone who came in and those who heard God speaking throught His word.
May the Lord bless America.
On His anniversary.
So beautiful and sweet.
The holy verses of the bible.
Speaking to my heart.
Glory, honor and praise.
Shall be unto God almighty.
For choosing America to be a light.
Jesus shining all over the place.
So lost souls will see the light.
And will enter heavens gates.
Sweet Holy Spirit, sweet heavenly light. There are those who see it and will feel the holy presence of God. Come to Him and be saved. Jesus is waiting for you and for me with open arms.
Yes Lord. I am coming to You right now.
May the Lord bless America.
On His anniversary.
So beautiful and sweet.
The holy verses of the bible.
Speaking to my heart.
Glory, honor and praise.
Shall be unto God almighty.
For choosing America to be a light.
Jesus shining all over the place.
So lost souls will see the light.
And will enter heavens gates.
Sweet Holy Spirit, sweet heavenly light. There are those who see it and will feel the holy presence of God. Come to Him and be saved. Jesus is waiting for you and for me with open arms.
Yes Lord. I am coming to You right now.